Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations

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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can you give me 10 scriptures that prove that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God?

There are so many scriptures that prove that Jesus is the Almighty God, but let’s just address a few.

1. Isaiah 9:6 (Jesus is the mighty God and everlasting Father)

2. John 1:1, 10,14 (The Word (God) was made flesh -The world was made by Jesus (God)

3. I Timothy 3:16 (God was manifested in the flesh - Jesus)

4. I John 5:20 (Jesus is the only true God)

5. Revelation. 1:8 (Jesus is the Almighty - God)

6. Revelation. 1:11 (Jesus is the Alpha and Omega - God)

7. Isaiah 48:12, Revelation 1:17, (God is First and Last and Jesus is the First and Last)

8. John 20:28 Jesus is both Lord and God.

9. Jesus is Jehovah our Saviour Isaiah 43:10-12, Jesus is the Rock I Corinthians 10:4, Jesus is "I Am" John 8:58.

10. I John 1:1-2 (reference: John 1:1, 14) God was made flesh.

John tells us that God was manifested in the flesh and we have looked upon him and we have handled the Word of life. Our fellowship is with our Father and Saviour - Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6).

** It's important to understand that if a person doesn’t believe any one of these scriptures, he does not believe the Bible. It doesn’t matter who the person is or what status he or she holds in life, if they don’t believe the scriptures mentioned above, they are unbelievers. If their explanations doesn’t make sense to you, you will have to study the Word for yourself. Your soul is too important to turn it over to an unbeliever. Some will try to explain the scriptures in a way to try to fit their own meanings based on their own traditions of men. But God has said the gates of hell will not prevail against his Word (Matthew 16:18). God’s Word is pure and true.

The Bible clearly says, that if this gospel is hid, it's hid to those that are lost. Guard your heart and your mind so that unbelievers won’t pluck the Word of God out of your heart. Don’t let the birds still your seeds.

It’s easy to listen to people you admire. However, you must ask yourself; do they really know who Jesus is. If you are not careful, you will believe that person more than God’s Word which has been planted in your heart by the Holy Spirit. You must believe the Bible or you will fall back into ignorance, even after, God has revealed his mystery to you. When you read God’s Word, everything will fit if you believe in the oneness of God.

I would suggest that you pray and ask God to reveal to you, how to be born again, and the mystery of the gospel, and the revelation of Jesus Christ. Paul's warning is very clear. If we or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you other than what has been delivered to the saints, let him be accursed (Galatians 1:6-12). Paul was concerned that the gospel of Christ would be perverted by unbelievers. Today we find that Paul was correct. The gospel has been perverted by a belief in more than one person in the Godhead and the ignorance of the baptism in Jesus name which was once delivered to the saints (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:28, 19:1-5, Hebrews 1:3, John 8:24) There is only one Person (Hebrews 1:3)and One Lord God Almighty and His name is Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 9:6, I Corintians 10:4, Acts 9:5, Revelation 1:8).

This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity. To order call 1-888-280-7717