Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations

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Saturday, June 4, 2011

In the book of I Peter there is proof that Jesus Christ is the one Lord God Almighty (Matthew 1:23, Colossian 1:19, 2:9)

I Peter 1:3

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Blessed be the Heavenly Spirit who is the Father, in His Spiritual form, and who is also the manifestation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Flesh (I Timothy 3:16).

I Peter 1:18-23

We are redeemed by the blood of the Lamb without blemish and without spot. Jesus Christ who is God, who is also the lamb, shed his own blood. God begot himself a body so that we could see the express image of his person and so that our hope would be in him (Jesus Christ).

God himself shed his own blood (Acts 20:28). Jesus was foreordained before God made the world. Moreover, he was manifested in these last days so that we might know him.

We have purified our souls because we have obeyed the truth, by the Spirit and revelation that Jesus name, which is used in baptism, is the Rock of our salvation. God’s Word in Acts 2:38 is the gospel that was preached by the apostles. Repentance, baptism in Jesus name and reception of the Holy Ghost is the rock and foundation of our salvation and this gospel is true and will endure forever. God’s Words, given to Peter, in Acts 2:38 is the rock that God used to build his church. This first sermon of Peter was the Word that was preached to the saints, and is now preached in most oneness churches around the world. However, if you are disobedient, Jesus Christ will be a stumbling stone to you (Acts 19:1-5, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12).

I Peter 2:6-9

Jesus Christ is a stumbling stone to those that are disobedient. There are followers of Christ who have been reading and studying the Word of God from their youth and they still have not come into the knowledge and mystery of Christ. If God has given these Christian followers the Holy Spirit, God promised them that he would lead them into all truth. Now, if they don’t know the truth. What happened?

They didn’t believe. I believe, that God led them to the truth and they rejected the light when it was shown to them.   Jesus has lain in Sion, a chief corner stone and if we believe on him we won’t be confused. God is not the author of confusion. God is the author of truth. If we don’t believe that Jesus is God and we don’t believe that we should repent and be baptized in Jesus name for remission of sins, and we don’t believe that we should seek for the infilling of the Holy Spirit, then we will stumble at the Word because we are disobedient (Acts 2:38, II Thessalonians 1:7-8).

If the apostle Peter is considered the 1st Pope of the Catholic Church, why would the Catholics be disobedient to their Pope? He told them they should repent, be baptized in Jesus name and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. What did the “Old Catholic Church Age” do? Because of their unbelief, they went out and spread an untruth called “The Trinitarian Doctrine.” The teaching of the “Old Catholic Church Age” says that you should be baptized in the titles of God according to Matthew 28:19. When the Catholic Church started to baptize in the titles – the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, they didn’t even mention repentance nor the name of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ is the name upon which the Church is built. His name is the foundation and the Rock of salvation. In other words, the whole plan of salvation is built on Jesus name. If you don’t know how to use God’s name in the plan of salvation, you won’t understand how to be “born again,” neither would you know what you need to do to be saved. Not using the name of Jesus Christ is the greatest form of disobedience; and most of the Protestant churches of the world have fallen into this same line of disobedience. The Word of God has become a stumbling block because of their disobedience.

You will continue to stumble on the Word, the chief corner stone, and the name of Jesus Christ, if you deny the Deity of Christ - meaning Jesus is the only God (Isaiah 28:16). This is what you must do; you must repent and be washed (baptized) in the blood of Jesus Christ for remission of sins and the salvation that God has promised will be assured. Read the Book of Acts. Salvation is assured because baptism saves (I Peter 3:21). Let’s not lean to our own understanding. The Bible says, we are saved by baptism, which gives us a good conscience toward God, translated “clear conscience.” Why would we argue with God and try to explain something other than what God says in his Word? Baptism saves and God’s gives us an explanation of why baptism saves. It saves by giving us a good conscience toward God. How could God have been more explicit (Mark 16:16)?

I Peter 3:21-22

Baptism saves. When one looks at a scripture like this, one would think it could be used as a stand-alone statement. However, one must understand that this scripture must be understood in the same context of all other scripture. This scripture verifies other parts of the Word of God concerning baptism.

Noah and the eight (8) souls were saved by water baptism. In these last days, we are saved by the washing of the blood of Jesus by baptism, in water, in the name of Jesus. Putting the scriptures together, with the book of Acts, we can see that we must repent, be baptized in water in Jesus name for remission of sins and receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38).

The baptism in Jesus name is to give us a good conscience that we have followed the gospel and that we have been washed in the blood of the Lamb. For without the washing of the blood, there is no remission of sins. This is deductive reasoning.

Let’s look at the converse of this scripture. Does this scripture mean that if I am not washed in the blood, I won’t have a clear conscience? The answer is; Yes. When I have to stand before God, will my conscience condemn me because I didn’t obey the gospel and get baptized in water, in Jesus name (II Thessalonians 1:7-8)? Can I be saved without a good conscience? It would seem, using our natural logic, that if you don’t have a clear conscience toward God, you can’t be saved.

Therefore, if you don’t get baptized in Jesus name for remission of sins, according to the book of Acts, where would you get the good conscience toward God?

Note:  We should use God’s Word to discover how and why baptism saves, rather than trying to prove that baptism doesn’t save.

Verse 22. This verse tells us that Jesus Christ has gone back to heaven and that this glorified manifestation of God is in the Highest, Heavenly position of power within the Spirit of God. And all the angels, authorities, principalities, and powers whether they are visible or invisible are subject to him (Colossians 1:14-19). God has taken all of his power and put it inside of the anointed flesh of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18, John 1:1, 14, I Timothy 3:16, Colossians 1:19, 2:8-10).

However, you will have to look, again, at how the Word of God has continuity and synergism. Look at how the Word fits together when we recognize Jesus as Lord and God. If we don’t recognize Jesus Christ as the one and only true God, the Word of God doesn’t fit. It will not have continuity and it won’t have the synergistic effect that it should have.

What if some don’t believe? If some don’t believe, let’s agree that the Word of God is true and everyone will not believe, neither will they see it because it is hidden from the wise and prudent. What will be the end of those who won’t obey the gospel? (Isaiah 43:10-13, John 8:24-25, Romans 3:3,4, I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8, 11, 22:13),

I Peter 4:17-18

What will be the end of those who won’t obey the gospel. The judgment of God will begin at the house of God. Once it has been declared that the saints of God have been washed in the blood of the Lamb and received the remission of sins, then others will be judged. What will happen to those people who didn’t obey the gospel? What do you mean? I mean, they didn’t get baptized in Jesus name for remission of sins (Acts 2:38), they didn’t glorify Jesus as God, they denied that the Son was the Christ, God himself in flesh. Neither would they listen when God said in his Word that baptism saves by giving us a good conscience toward him. What will happen to those people? If we as saints who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, according to the book of Acts, scarcely make it in, where will the ungodly and the sinners appear? (II Thessalonians 1:7-8). Only God knows the answer. In II Peter, God continues to explain the knowledge and mystery of Jesus Christ.

This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations.  To order call 1-888-280-7715

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