A More Perfect Way - A Story about Apollos
Paul stayed in Corinth with Aquila and Priscilla for a year and a half and worked with them because he was also a tent maker. After a year and a half, Paul moved with them to Ephesus where Aquila and Priscilla offered their home to the Christians for church service. While in Ephesus, Aquila and Priscilla met Apollos who was speaking in the synagogue about the gospel that John had taught him concerning repentance and baptism. When they heard him speak, they took him aside and taught him the way of God more perfectly (Acts 18:24-26).
What was the more perfect way? The more perfect way taught by Aquila and Priscilla was that Jesus is God, “the Christ,” and that the disciples of Apollos should be baptized in Jesus name, rather than the baptism of repentance taught by John. When Apollos went to the brethren in Achaia, he convinced the Jews, by the scriptures that Jesus was God, the Christ. (Acts 18:28).
Aquila and Priscilla risked their lives for the gospel that Paul was preaching because they knew Paul was right according to the scriptures. Paul preached that Jesus was God (“The Christ”) and you must repent, be baptized in Jesus name and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit according to Peter (Acts 2:38) and Paul (Acts 19:1-5). Aquila and Priscilla believed Paul’s teachings were right according to the scriptures, therefore, they were willing to suffer with him. Paul acknowledged their hard work and gave thanks to them for their sacrifice (Romans 16:3-4).
Paul Teaches the baptism in Jesus name (Acts 18:8, 19:1-5, Acts 19:1-5, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12)
When Paul started his teaching mission to the Gentiles, he came to Corinth and approved the baptism of Crispus and many of the Corinthians, who believed on the Lord. They baptized them in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 4:12, I Corinthians 1:9-31-Trinity?).
We know Paul approved the baptism of the Corinthians in Jesus name because that was the only way he had people baptized. For example, When Paul was traveling the upper coasts of Ephesus he found 12 disciples of John and Apollos. Paul asked them if they had received the Holy Ghost since they believed. The disciples hadn’t heard about the Holy Ghost.
Therefore, Paul asked them about their baptism because when the saints were taught about salvation and receiving the Holy Spirit, they were taught to be baptized in Jesus name.
The disciples explained that they were baptized unto John’s baptism. Paul explained to the disciples that John baptized unto repentance and they should believe on the one who would come after John. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. Let me ask you a question? Why would these disciples get baptized in Jesus name without giving reasons why they should not? The reason: They believed on the name of the Lord Jesus and got baptized in Jesus name without question because there is no other name whereby we are saved. Why are today’s Christians so critical about the Jesus name baptism? The reason is that the spirit of the anti-christ is in the world today and that spirit is against anything associated with Jesus name, including baptism in the name of the Lord(Acts 19:1-5).
According to Paul’s teachings we are to search the scriptures to find out whether Jesus is God and to understand that we should repent, be baptized in Jesus name, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Listen, Paul’s teaching is the same gospel that Peter preached on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:14-38). And this gospel of Jesus Christ is the same gospel that was taught to Apollos by Aquila and Priscilla who were disciples of Paul.
Today: You can learn “a more perfect way” through your personal research of the scriptures. You will also learn about the faith, actions, and teachings of the apostles as mentioned in the book of Acts. Use the King James version of the Bible as your primary reference.
We would have to search for ourselves to see if we are really teaching as Paul taught the Jews in the synagogues or are we teaching a doctrine based on the traditions of men? All Pastors, preachers, teachers, evangelist and scholars; should search the scriptures and follow the lead of Apollos and understand that there is “a more perfect way.”
Let’s understand that preachers have not all obeyed the gospel. Romans 10:14-16. Firstly, let’s discuss Apollos and his life so that we canunderstand who he was, why he was open to learning more about Jesus, and the meaning of “a more perfect way.”
Apollos was a Jew from Alexandria, Egypt
Jews for the most part, wrote the Bible and started Christianity. However in these last days Christianity has been perverted by the Gentiles who started bringing in a pagan styled “three person” concept of who God is; in conjunction with their traditions of men (Colossians 2:8-12). There is no "there persons" in God based on the "Shema". Jews, Muslims and true oneness Christians believe that God is strictly monotheistic with no other persons with him. (Isaiah 44:24).
However, there are preachers who are like Apollos and would like to learn more about the gospel of Christ so that they might follow the dictates of Jesus Christ and the doctrine of the apostles. Some pastors and preachers of today also want to find a more perfect way. They are willing to drop their philosophy and traditions of men for the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Apollos was an eloquent man who was well versed in the Old testament scriptures. He wanted to find out whether all things that he was learning were true. Apollos being a Jew, understood the oneness of God and he knew, based on his training, that Jesus would be the same God who spoke to the prophets out of heaven in the Old Testament (Corinthians 10:4).
Apollos was an exciting man, a preacher and missionary who was fervent in the spirit. He taught the things of the Lord and that the coming of the Kingdom of God was near. Based on his knowledge of the scriptures, Apollos taught his followers that John was the one crying in the wilderness and people should come to repentance and be baptized according to John’s baptism.
The only thing that Apollos knew was what John had taught him (Acts 18:24-26). He knew that the person of whom John would identify, would be God, “the Christ.” The Jews only believe in one God, and that one God, they knew; would be the Christ, in the form of a man (Isaiah 9:6).
Look at these scriptures, Isaiah 40:3, Matthew 3:3, John 1:1-14. We know that; not only is Jesus the one Lord (Ephesians 4:5, Isaiah 41:4, Luke 2:11, Revelation 1:11) but he is also the one God Almighty (Isaiah 9:6, 40:5, 41:10-11, 48:12, Revelation 1:8). Apollos knew based on John’s teachings that Jesus, who is called “The Christ,” would be the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, no question about it.
Once Apollos found out from Aquila and Priscilla that one should be baptized in Jesus name and filled with the Holy Spirit; he started teaching the disciples of John that there was “a more perfect way.” (Acts 18:28).
We know that the baptism in Jesus name and receiving the Holy Spirit was taught to Apollos because Aquila and Priscilla were disciples of Paul who taught the same gospel everywhere he went (Acts 19:1-5). Therefore, Apollos becomes a disciple of Paul through Aquila and Priscilla. He started preaching the same things (Jesus is God, “The Christ” and the baptism in Jesus name was right and that John’s baptism was a forerunner to the real baptism in Christ).
In the same manner as Apollos, preachers today are eloquent, speak well, articulate, strong in the scriptures and men of God who have walked with the Lord for years. However, they need to know
“a more perfect way” as it was taught by Paul and the apostles.
A number of modern day preachers have received training in the Old and New Testaments. Being strong in the scriptures they should search the scriptures further. With the new light of the scriptures, Bible scholars will see the same things in the scriptures that was revealed to Apollos, Peter, Paul, Aquila and Priscilla.
Today preachers should search for the oneness of God and
“How to be Born Again,” in the New Testament. They should search the scriptures to find out whether these things are true or not (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38).
Warning: If it were possible, Satan will deceive the very elect.
Most Churches today are in a state of apostasy – meaning the turning away from an original concept, belief, or doctrine. These Churches are not teaching the apostles doctrine as taught by Paul and the apostles. They teach a doctrine called the “Trinitarian doctrine", which is not in the Bible. The Trinity of God is "an assumption", "a figment of man's imagination."
The Trinitarian doctrine sounds possible based on our limited human knowledge of who God is. However, to the elect, the Trinitarian doctrine is not a concept of who God is. The Trinity is totally unscriptural and confusing. It can’t be explained, as a matter of fact, it’s impossible to explain, and it can’t be understood based on the scriptures.
Satan has tried to deceive the very elect with this Trinitarian doctrine - if it were possible. We can see Satan’s wicked devices and they have not worked. God is still in control and the gates of hell shall not prevail against
the solid rock which is the baptism in Jesus name upon which the church is built (Matthew 16:18).
I challenge anyone to explain the Trinity using the scriptures without interjecting their personal belief, traditions or interpretations. It is impossible to explain. Let me give you a simple research project. Search the Bible and see if you can find any scripture anywhere that defines God as three persons. Let me give you the answer for your convenience. There are no scriptures that refer to God as “three persons.” There are not “three gods in one nor three persons in one God.” There is only one God - period. Ask the Jews and the Muslims and they will set you straight. Judaism, Islam, and true apostolic oneness Christianity are strictly monotheistic. Perverted Christianity is the "Trinitarian Doctrine" (Nicaean Council 325 A.D.).
The total salvation of man was carried out by one God who manifested himself in three different forms (I Timothy 3:16). Moses said there is one God, the Prophets said it, the apostles said it, and God himself said it. That settles the question of the absolute oneness of God.
Why don’t people, whether they are preachers, teaches or theologians, believe there is only one God? Who told them that God has three persons residing in his Deity? The reason people won’t believe in the total oneness of God is because they won’t accept the Deity of Jesus Christ (God himself -John 1:1-14, 14:9, Revelation 1:8). They can’t accept the notion that Jesus is the Father of creation, Son in redemption, and the Holy Ghost as an indwelling Spirit. The problem is the unbelief that Jesus Christ is the one and only true God of heaven and earth. Jesus Christ is the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. (Matthew 28:19, John 14:6-9, 17-18, Acts 2:38).
As aforementioned, there are preachers, teachers and evangelists who will tell you, if anyone challenges the Trinitarian doctrine, don’t listen to them.
Listen very carefully, Satan don’t want you to disapprove of the Trinitarian doctrine. The reason Trinitarians don’t want you to listen to anyone is because it would challenge their own concept of the three persons of God. They can’t explain their own belief in one God in light of the Trinitarian doctrine because it is not a sound doctrine
(II Timothy 4:3) For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
(Titus 1:9) Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers.
(Titus 2:1) But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:. Trinitarians would say that nobody can explain the Trinity, it’s a mystery of God. And they are absolutely correct. The Trinity can not be explained nor understood because God didn't say it.
Guess what? Even if they tried to explain the Trinity, you wouldn’t understand it. They would say, well this is just a mystery of God that nobody understands. Not true, the mystery of God can be explained and it’s all over the Old and New Testament. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone and foundation of the Holy Scriptures (Matthew 16:18). The rock is the baptism in Jesus name and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Search for the Deity of Jesus Christ and you will find the oneness of the Almighty God (Revelation 1:8).
Warning: This statement is a trick of Satan; “The Trinitarian doctrine should not be challenged.”
That’s not true. Of course the Trinitarian doctrine can be challenged because it is not a doctrine of God, it is a doctrine of men. The Trinity was conceived and established by men at the Nicaean Council in 325 A.D. after contentions among the Catholic priests. This doctrine of the Trinity developed over the centuries and we, as Protestants, have grown to believe that this doctrine is the truth of God's Word. God never spoke of this doctrine and it’s not mentioned by Paul nor any of the apostles.
Therefore, the Trinity can be challenged because it’s not in the Bible. Not challenging nor questioning the Trinitarian doctrine is a device that Satan uses to keep the Church blind to the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The Trinitarian doctrine can’t be logically nor scripturally explained. It is based on philosophy, vain deceit and it is a doctrine that is a tradition of men (Colossians 2:8-10). Look up the origin of the Trinity in your Public Library.
The Trinitarian doctrine is so convincing that this concept would deceive the very elect if it were possible (Matthew 24:24). There will be many who will not believe the gospel of Christ, the oneness of God, nor the baptism in the name of Jesus Christ because of the false traditional teachings of the Trinitarian doctrine.
Through my experience, I have found that the main concern with Trinitarians is their understanding of the Deity of Christ and the baptism in Jesus name. There are some who would say that they love the Lord and they will follow God’s Word. However, they won’t believe nor follow the Word of God concerning baptism. They don’t want you to preach or teach the baptism in Jesus Name. They will throw you out of their Churches because they don’t believe in the Deity of Christ and the oneness of God, especially if it’s in Jesus name. They profess Jesus Christ but they don’t want to be totally associated nor identified with his name by baptism. This unbelief in the baptism in Jesus name is the spirit of the antichrist (against Jesus name).
The gospel that we teach is the same gospel taught by Peter, Paul, and the apostles and it has the same affect on unbelievers today as it did in the days of the apostles. God allows us to see those who are none of his. For they wrestle with the scriptures because of their unbelief (II Peter 3:16).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. To order call 1-888-280-7715.