This scripture is used by the Apostolic Church to identify their doctrine and their church. The apostles’ doctrine is used interchangeable with the doctrine of God (Titus 2:10) and the doctrine of Christ (2 John 1:9), which means the doctrine that was taught to the apostles by Christ who is God. Therefore, the doctrine of Christ is the doctrine of God. Matthew 7:28,
Romans 16:17-18, Ephesians 4:11-14.
Many Christians don’t understand why Churches have the word “Apostolic” in the name of their Churches. To learn more about the Apostolic doctrine, I would suggest that you research Oneness Apostolic Churches. Apostolic means – those Christians who follow the doctrine of the apostles which is the doctrine of Christ/doctrine of God. It is the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, repentance, remission of sins, receiving the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues and the baptism in Jesus name as directed by Peter and the apostles (Acts 2:38-42, Acts 19:1-5, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12).
Kindle, Wi-Fi, 6" E Ink Pearl Display
1st Key: Baptism of repentance (Natural-Mark 1:4 - Baptism by John, fulfilled in Acts 2:38)
2nd Key The baptism in Jesus name (Natural & Spiritual) (fulfilled in Acts 2:38)
3rd Key The baptism of the Holy Ghost (Spiritual) (Luke 3:16)(fulfilled in Acts 2:38).
The reference to the baptism of repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and baptism in the Holy Ghost is fulfilled in the water baptism in Jesus name (Acts 2:38, Ephesians 4:5, Colossians 2:10-12). Note: These baptisms is one operation of one baptism in Jesus name and they are also “the keys of the kingdom of heaven” that Jesus gave to Peter (Matthew 16:18-19). The baptism in Jesus Name is the “rock” upon which the church is built and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Acts 2:38 is the real “born again” scripture, for it is the only scripture that has all of the elements of the gospel message (water and Spirit – John 3:5). (The commission: Matthew 28:19, Fulfilled: Acts 2:38 – The name in Matthew 28:19 is revealed as Jesus Christ in Acts 2:38. Jesus Christ is the everlasting Father, the Son, and Holy Ghost (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:23, John 1:10, Colossians 1:19, 2:9, II Corinthians 5:19, Revelation 1:8)
Therefore, when there is any mention of baptism, that one baptism is in water and Spirit in Jesus name. Refer: Book of Acts 8:35-39, Mark 16:16. There is no other name whereby we must be saved except through the name of Jesus Christ by baptism (Acts 4:12, 19:1-5, Colossians 3:17). The scriptures are extremely plain and soft spoken to those that believe. For unbelievers, this is a hard saying and they will try to explain it away by their own traditions of unbelief. Not realizing that they are being used by the spirit of the antichrist - against Christ and the Word of God.
Don’t find it strange that some don’t believe in the baptism in Jesus name. Everybody didn’t believe Jesus when he walked on the earth, neither did everyone believe the apostles. The Priests, Scribes, Pharisees and the “so called educated people” thought the apostles were unlearned men so they wouldn’t listen to them. However, they did recognize that they had been with Jesus.
I don’t expect everyone to believe because only God can give his revelation, mystery, and knowledge of Jesus Christ. There will be people whom you respect for their intelligence and leadership abilities but they won’t believe the Word of God nor will they understand what you are showing them.
God has not given his mystery to the ones who think that they are so wise, educated, and intelligent. God has given his mystery to babes in Christ. God will give his revelation to anyone who has a heart for Christ and the ones who would diligently seek to know the mystery and knowledge of Him. You might feel very sad that these educated people won’t believe. But you must remember; God gave you the revelation and mystery of Christ and it’s time for you to live in the light that God has given you. You must go on and believe the Word of God and follow the directions of the apostles, especially the born again scripture in Acts 2:38, which is the Rock and foundation of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
If people won’t believe God and the instructions he gave to Peter, God has the wisdom to deal with their unbelief. I would suggest that you show them the Word, pray for them and move on lest you fall into the same traditions of unbelief and philosophies of men (Colossians 2:8-12). Don’t try to pull them along, they will not be able to see the mystery of Christ because of their unbelief. Satan doesn’t want you to understand the oneness of God which is in the body of Christ nor does he want you to understand the plan of salvation as it relates to John 3:5 and Acts 2:38.
Satan trembles at the very thought of the oneness of God and he will use the people you respect to dissuade you from the belief in the oneness of God and the knowledge and mystery of Christ (James 2:19-23). The people you respect have faith without works. The works is the baptism in Jesus name. You must show your faith with works by the baptism in Jesus name. If they won’t hear you, knock the dust off your feet and move on, they can’t see neither can they hear because their unbelief has seared their consciousness. They won’t realize that they are in error and they don’t understand. Pray for them and move on.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations." To order call 1-88-280-7715
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