Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations

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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: The Controversy about "Who is Jesus" rages on

Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: The Controversy about "Who is Jesus" rages on: "John 8:12-19, 24 The Controversy of “who is Jesus” rages on, even to this day people won’t believe that Jesus is the Father (Isaiah 9:6, J..."

The Controversy about "Who is Jesus" rages on

John 8:12-19, 24

The Controversy of “who is Jesus” rages on, even to this day people won’t believe that Jesus is the Father (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9). Let’s take a look at how Jesus handles this matter. Jesus had just forgiven the woman who was about to be stoned for adultery.

Right after that, Jesus told the scribes and Pharisees that he is the light of the world. And if you follow him, you won’t walk in darkness and you’ll have the light of life.  In other words, if you believe that Jesus is God, and that he is the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, you will see the light (Colossians 2:8-9). And if you believe that he made the heavens and earth, and all things exist because of him, and that he is Lord, and that he is the Saviour, and that he is all things, and you follow him, you won’t be in darkness (Isaiah 43:10-11, Luke 2:11, John 1:10). The Scribes and Pharisees had a problem with Jesus saying he was the light because according to their laws, teaching and traditions, if a man bears a record of himself, then that record is not true.

Therefore, Jesus had to explain to them that according to the law that if two men said it true, then it is true. Jesus said that he is one man to bear record of himself and the Father bears witness of him, therefore that record is true. Now they were really confused because they didn’t see the Father, so they asked him where is the Father? In other words where is this other man? Now listen to this.

For those who have a question of whether God is male or female; this is your answer. God is a Spiritual man, and Jesus is a natural man. The Son and the Spirit bears record of the Deity of Jesus. Jesus said, you don’t even know me. For if you had known me, you should have known my Father also (John 10:30).

In these scriptures, Jesus clearly reveals the revelation that he is God the Father because the Father is in him (Colossians 1:19). And they should have known that according to the prophets (Genesis 17:1, Revelation 1:8, Isaiah 9:6).

Even though Jesus talks of the Father as if he was someone else, he reveals that he is God the Father. When Jesus speaks, you will have to distinguish between whether he is speaking from his Spirit, as the Father, or from his flesh as the Son (John 14:6-11). When Jesus talks of the Father, he is referring to his manifestation in Spirit form which is in his body (Colossians 2:9). When he speaks of himself, his flesh, he says, the Son of God or the Son of Man.

However, there are times when Jesus is talking about himself as the express image of the Spirit (Hebrews 1:3, John 14:10-11). Since Jesus has a dual nature, it’s difficult for one who doesn’t have the revelation to understand whether he is speaking as God in the Spirit or God as a man, same God two manifestations. Jesus would reveal himself later as the Holy Ghost.  Thus, three manifestations in one God - Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:19, 2:9, Revelation 1:8).  

Again, let’s look at John 8:19. The people asked Jesus to show them the Father. Jesus replied, you don’t know either one of us. If you had known me, you would have known the Father also. How? Because Jesus is the Father. They should have believed the Word of God through the prophet Isaiah (Isaiah 9:6).

Therefore if you know Jesus, you know he is the Father (John 14:9). Jesus is saying, in verse 24; if you don’t believe that “I am he,” you will die in your sins. Why? Because you won’t get baptized in his name for the remission of sins and you won’t believe the Word of God delivered by the apostles - Repentance, baptism in Jesus name (the rock of which the church is built) and receiving the gift Holy Ghost in Jesus name (Acts 2:38, 10:48, 22:16, 19:1-5).  This method of salvation is throughout the book of Acts.  You won’t believe Jesus is God, the “I am he,” the "I am", the Almighty God of the Old Testament, and you won’t believe that everything was made by Jesus (John 1:10, Colossians 1:14-19) and you won’t believe that he is the one God manifested as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (Colossians 2:8-10, II Timothy 3:16).

Thus, you will never find the door, the truth nor eternal life for the mystery is hidden from the wise and prudent and given unto babes. You can’t know Jesus if you don’t believe his Word. Some might say that they believe the Word of God and immediately come up with “a philosophy of men” to prove that Jesus is not God the Father, thereby proving that he doesn’t believe the Word of God. Trying to disprove God’s Word is dangerous and will send a disbeliever into a state of reprobation.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations".  To order call 1-888-280-7715.