(John 16:16, 20:17)
There are many instances where Jesus spoke as the Deity and other instances when He spoke out of his humanity or Sonship. As you read the New Testament, read the scriptures in the context of how Jesus is speaking since He has a dual nature (God-Man). In this scripture, Jesus is speaking in his Sonship, when he says that his Spirit will go back to God (The Deity). This is not something complicated since all spirits of men return to God. Look at this. This is interesting. As Jesus was dying on the cross, he said in Luke 23:46, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. When we see this scripture, there are some things that we might miss.
First, Jesus decided the moment he would die by sending his spirit back to heaven. Only God determines the moment a person will die. As a human, we can’t commend our spirit back to God. But as God, Jesus could orchestrate natural and spiritual events in heaven and on earth and He could send His spirit back to the Father (Heavenly Spirit).
Therefore Jesus as God could determine the exact moment when his flesh would die. Thus Jesus could say, I’m sending my Spirit as a man back to God (the heavenly Spirit).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels. Google: "will daniels understanding the trinity"
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
If Jesus is God, why did he say I go to the Father?
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:31 PM

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