Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: Is Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone (God?)
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: Is Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone (God?): "Acts 4:5-12 Let’s talk about Jesus being the Chief corner stone and its relationship to God. In these scripture verses, we find 3 things; ..."
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:52 AM

Is Jesus Christ the Chief Cornerstone (God?)
Acts 4:5-12
Let’s talk about Jesus being the Chief corner stone and its relationship to God. In these scripture verses, we find 3 things;
2. Jesus is God himself. There is no other God. God doesn’t know of any other God (I Timothy 3:16).
3. There is no other name whereby we must be saved. (Acts 4:12)
Everything we do, we should do it all in the name of Jesus Christ, the Chief Cornerstone and sure foundation, including baptism because the power and blood is in the name (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, Colossians 3:17).
Peter spoke to all the religious leaders and explained to them that Jesus was God, “The Christ.” If these religious people knew the scriptures, they would have understood what Peter was saying when he told them that this same Jesus which you thought was nothing, is the stone that has become the head of the corner – meaning the foundation of the gospel of salvation. The religious leaders should have known what Peter was saying, if they knew the scriptures.
In Isaiah 28:16, God said, I lay in Zion for a foundation. Jesus is the foundation, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation. And he that believeth in Jesus Christ shall not be ashamed. Jesus Christ is the same God in his Spirit form in the Old Testament as he is in his manifestated form as the Son in the New Testament. (the Chief Cornerstone - Ephesians 2:20) (John 1:1, 10, 14, I Corinthians 10:4, II Corinthians 5:19, I Timothy 3:16).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations". To order call 1-888-280-7715
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:47 AM

Will Daniels
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