Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations

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Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations: Why hasn't God revealed this oneness to my Pastor?...

Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations: Why hasn't God revealed this oneness to my Pastor?...: "This is going to challenge your intellectual reasoning and it will seem to you to be one of the most incredible things you have ever heard. ..."

Why hasn't God revealed this oneness to my Pastor?

This is going to challenge your intellectual reasoning and it will seem to you to be one of the most incredible things you have ever heard. Would you believe that God has revealed these truths to all of the Pastors that he has called. These Pastors have chosen not to believe in the absolute oneness of God because of their doctrine, their faith and/or their traditional beliefs. If you are reading this book and you really want to find out if God has revealed this to your Pastor, just ask him if he has ever heard of the oneness of God and being baptized in Jesus name? He will confirm the fact that he has heard about it.

Now this is what you will have to watch out for - false information. Some Pastors might say, yes those are those “Jesus Only” folk and they are all messed up. They don’t believe in the Father and the Holy Spirit, they just believe in “Jesus Only.” Don’t listen to them.

Now since you have been reading this book, you know – that is not true. We believe that God’s highest name is Jesus Christ. And yes there is a Father, Son, and a Holy Spirit. And according to the scriptures, God’s name and the embodiment of the Godhead is in Jesus Christ (Colossians 2:8-10). Remember, you should always politely listen to your Pastor.

Thank him for his input. Then let God lead and guide you. You must remember that it is not your responsibility to think you know more than your Pastor just because God gave you the revelation and mystery of his Deity. There is a possibility that God will allow you to bring these things to the attention of your Pastor but God will reveal these things to him, not you. Don’t think more of yourself than you ought. Never try to convince a pastor, minister, theologian, scholar, or teacher that they are in error. If God gives you the revelation, you should use it to work out your own soul salvation. God will work with your Pastor. You should only work with a Pastor if you are invited by the Pastor to share your understanding of God’s Word.

If your Pastor doesn’t understand or believe in the absolute oneness of God and the gospel message, he will immediately try to destroy the seed of truth (God’s Word) that is planted in your heart (good ground) by trying to prove that Gods' Word is wrong or that the Word of God has some other meaning or interpretation.

You won’t understand what he is talking about because his/her interpretation is based on their own belief system and not the Word of God. If you are not careful, you will lose the seed that God has planted in your heart. Satan will try to steal your seed. The destruction of the Word of God (seed) that God has given you is equivalent to a bird (Satan) plucking the seed (Word) out of good ground (your heart) (Matthew 13:3-13).

Some Pastors might say the “Jesus name baptism” is according to some mysterious interpretation, or that God didn't mean you should be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ because of what Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, or it doesn’t matter whether you are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, or baptism in Jesus name, so long as you are baptized. Listen, this is what you must understand. The power is in the name and it does matter how you are baptized.

Do you remember what happened to Moses? Moses didn’t do exactly what God told him to do. God told Moses to speak to the rock and he would receive water. Moses did it his way and he smote the rock. He received the water but he didn’t do exactly what God told him to do and God chastised him for it (Numbers 20:7-11).

Therefore, we must do exactly what God told us to do in baptism. We can’t develop our own method of salvation or try to get to heaven some other way. We must go through the one God of heaven and earth and his name is Jesus Christ. No man can come to the Father except through the door – Jesus Christ.

In order to understand the gospel message of salvation and the baptism in Jesus name, one will have to understand the oneness of God and the mystery of Jesus Christ. The absolute oneness of God is the foundation of Judaism, Islam, and true Christianity (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11).

If your Pastor has never paid attention nor studied the absolute oneness of God and the baptism in Jesus name in the book of Acts, this could be a blessing because he could study the scriptures with an open mind and let the Lord open his understanding. And if it’s God’s will, he will get back with you and share his new found revelation of the Word of God.

Remember, don’t think of yourself more than you ought. You cannot show your Pastor this revelation, all revelations come from God. God will use you to bring this to your Pastor’s attention. If your Pastor can see the mystery and revelation of Jesus Christ, listen to your Pastor. He will show you more of an understanding of God’s Word. Your Pastor’s knowledge of the Word will solidify the things that you have already learned.

If you see a clear understanding of the revelation of Jesus Christ in your Pastors words; listen to him. There have been Pastors who have realized the absolute oneness of God and the baptism in Jesus name is right because it's in the Bible, but they are challenged on how to explain it and how to bring it to the attention of their faithful followers.

Some Pastors might feel that their congregation is so ingrained in tradition that the people would not believe him. These Pastors are in a dangerous position unless they can find a way to reveal the truth with the help of the Holy Spirit. God will hold preachers responsible for withholding biblical truths after God himself have revealed these things to him.

Pastors will learn how to be “born again” after reading God’s Word through a renewed understanding of the mystery of Jesus Christ. They have an obligation to reveal these truths to their congregation regardless of the consequences. Some of their staunch supporters might walk out. Others will have a lot of questions, and there will be others who will see it in the Bible and without question they will repent, and get baptized in Jesus name because it's God Word.

The Bible tells us that he that believeth and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16). This scripture is an instruction and a warning. We should take it seriously and learn how we should be baptized. We don’t want to stand before God with excuses as to why we didn’t follow His gospel the way it was delivered by the apostles (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).

Let me give you a “Judgment Day” scenario. It’s just a scenario to see how your Pastor’s beliefs and traditions line up with the Word of God. Certainly this is not an indication of what will happen on “Judgment Day.” And we can’t speak for God. It’s just a thought, a scenario about salvation. If I were a Pastor I would want to know the answer to these questions before I meet God. In this scenario, this is your Pastor.

Judgment Day Scenario

Your Pastor: Lord I’m sure glad to see you and I’ve brought my whole congregation with me.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Pastor, do you know who I am?

Your Pastor: O Yes Lord. You are our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? You are right Pastor. Welcome to the Judgment. Pastor, did you know that you have to account for all of the things that you have done according to my Word? This is what I’m looking for; I want to see if you have preached and taught my gospel according to my Word. I want to see if your congregation understands salvation. Did they understand that they must be born again? And did they understand how to be “born again” according to your teachings.

Your Pastor: Yes Lord I understand. I taught them everything.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Pastor I have taught you and sent you to school to learn my Word. Did you teach the gospel according to my Word?

Your Pastor: Yes Lord and I have studied your Word, learned scriptures daily, quoted scripture by memory, and I have received all the degrees and training that were available to me.

When I didn’t have a degree, I studied your Word, prayed two and three times a day, went to prayer meetings, and taught your people your Word through preaching, teaching and weekly Bible classes.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Did you teach my people about my death, burial and resurrection?

Your Pastor: O Yes Lord, I taught them about your death, burial, resurrection, and I taught them that they must be washed in the blood of Jesus and rise to walk in the newness of life.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said?: So you taught them to repent, be baptized in my name for remission of sins and they would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost according to what Peter told you to do?

Your Pastor: Well, no Lord, not exactly. I told them to believe in their heart and confess the Lord Jesus with their mouth and they would be saved.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Did you understand what Peter said? I said through Peter to repent and be baptized in my name and I would give the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38). Did you teach them that they must repent, and be baptized in my name, thereby, applying my blood to their souls?

Your Pastor: Well, not exactly like that Lord. I taught them to be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. I followed your instructions just like you said in Matthew 28:19.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Pastor, you didn’t understand what I said because you don’t know me? Why didn’t you baptize them in my name? Didn’t I tell you to baptize them in my name? I not only told you to baptize in my name, the apostles were there with me, they understood what I said, and they gave you examples of how to be baptized in my name. Didn’t you know that the apostles always baptized in my name? Why didn’t you follow them if you didn’t understand what I told you to do?

Your Pastor: Well, Lord I, I, I, ???

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Do you remember Moses? I told him to speak to the rock and he smote it. He didn’t do exactly what I told him to do and he didn’t make it to the promised land. You didn’t do exactly what I told you to do. You didn’t baptized my people in my name. Are you better than Moses?

Why should you make it to the promised land if you didn’t do what I told you to do? Pastor, let
me ask you again? Have you been baptized in my name and did you baptize my people in my name?

Your Pastor: Well, Lord I, I, I, ????? I heard about being baptized in Jesus Name, but I didn’t believe we had to be baptized in Jesus name because the apostles didn’t do what you said. I wanted to do exactly what you said. You said to be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. And that’s what I did.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Pastor, do you believe my apostles were wrong? Don’t you realize that I personally taught them the gospel? Do you believe my teaching was in vain? Don’t you know that salvation is too important? I would not allow the apostles to make a mistake. They did exactly what I told them to do. They baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ because they knew me as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Pastor do you remember what I told you? There is no other name whereby you must be saved? (Acts 4:12). What did that mean to you? Why didn’t you listen to the apostles?

Your Pastor: Well, Lord I, I, I, ?????

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? If you would’ve known me, you could have taken Matthew 28:19 and put it with Acts 2:38. Then you would have understood what I told you to do. Knowing this, what would be your answer if I asked you again, have you been baptized and washed in my blood through the baptism in my name?

Your Pastor: Well, Lord, I, I, I, ????

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Pastor, did you teach my people how to be washed in the blood by the power of my name? The apostles taught you how to use my name, why didn’t you follow them? Listen Pastor;

1. They gave you an example of baptism if you were baptizing my people in error. They showed and demonstrated how your people should have been re-baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 19:1-5)
2. They told you, we are buried into my death (Romans 6:4) (Jesus name baptism).

3. They told you, we are buried with him by baptism (Colossians 2:12) (Jesus name baptism).

4. They told you, there is only one baptism (Ephesians 4:5) (Jesus name baptism).

5. They told you, baptism saves through a good conscience (I Peter 3:21) (Jesus name baptism).

Pastor did you tell my people that baptism in my name saves by the washing of my blood, thereby, giving them a good conscience toward me at the Judgment? (I Peter 3:21). Did you tell them they should repent and be baptized in my name, and I would give them the Holy Ghost according to Peter’s first sermon (Acts 2:38)?

Your Pastor: Well, Lord I, I, I, ???

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Pastor did you do what I told you to do?

Your Pastor: Well Lord according to what you are telling me now, I didn’t do exactly what you told me to do and I didn’t tell your people how to be “born again” because I didn’t understand how to do it.

What would your Pastor say if the Lord said? Why didn’t you ask me in prayer? Why didn’t you believe the apostles when they taught you how to use my death, burial and resurrection in the salvation experience. They taught you how to apply my blood to the souls of men by repentance, baptism in my name and the reception of the Holy Spirit, thereby, teaching you how be “born again.” (John 3:5, Acts 2:38).

If you didn’t know what I said, why didn’t you seek to know me and find out what I meant (Matthew 28:19). I have taught all of the Pastors whom I called my Word. However, the “Oneness Apostolic Pastors” have believed my Word through the teachings of the apostles. Why didn’t you ask them to help you? They have known me as the One God of heaven and earth (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, Revelation 1:8) and they know my name and understand my Words?

Why didn’t you believe my saints when I sent them to you and they told you that you must have your people repent, get baptize in my name for remission of sins? Was it because of unbelief?

Why didn’t you believe my Word? Why didn’t you teach my gospel as Paul and the apostles preached? Didn’t Paul tell you that if you came with another gospel you would be accursed? (Galatians 1:3-9). The Trinitarian doctrine is not my doctrine, it’s another doctrine that I never mentioned in my Word. It is a doctrine of philosophy and traditions of men that you developed (Colossians 2:8-10).

Why didn’t you go to your library to learn more about your own doctrine and where it came from? It didn’t come from me, it came from you. It’s not in my Word and it can’t be explained.

I told you I’m One and there is no other God besides me. Why did you insist on holding on to these fables about who I am by classifying me as “persons.” Didn’t you understand my Words (Deuteronomy 6:4, Job 13:7-11, Hebrews 1:3).

Pastor you have come to me with your own doctrine that you don’t understand. You believe in a Trinity rather than the absolute oneness of God, you have told my people I’m three persons when I told you I’m one Lord and one person (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, Ephesians 4:5, Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9-10). You wrest with my Word trying to prove I’m a Trinity (II Peter 3:16). You have turned my gospel into fables with a paganistic, tritheistic, polytheistic gospel of heathens.

You have lied to my people (II Timothy 4:3,4). You have taken my Words out of context because you didn’t know me. You told my people to confess with their mouth, and believe in their hearts and they would be saved with no mention of repentance, baptism in my name, nor the reception of the Holy Ghost. You have used my titles in your baptisms rather than my name. You have used your own baptism of Father, Son, and Holy Ghost in vain.

You have not used my blood in baptism, through my death, burial and resurrection, which is repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and reception of the Holy Spirit. You don’t understand that the blood is in my name.

You have not used your faith with the works of baptism, knowing that faith without works is dead. You have had a form of godliness but you have denied the power of my name in baptism and you have denied the power of the blood in my name. My name and the blood are inseparable. My blood and the power of the baptism in Jesus name was not important to you.

You were always learning and never coming into the knowledge of the truth because of your unbelief in my Word and the foundation of my gospel - II Timothy 3:5,7, Matthew 16:18-19.

You have used your own form of salvation to try to come up some other way. You don’t know my Father, you don’t know me, and you didn’t understand nor believe the teachings of my apostles. You don’t understand the things that I say. You don’t understand how to be born again.

You don’t know how the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” were used. You wouldn’t do what I told you to do. You don’t know that I am absolutely one God. You don’t know that I am the Almighty God (John 1:14, Revelation 1:8), and the everlasting Father of heaven and earth (Isaiah 9:6). If you had known me, you would have known my Father also. You did not follow my gospel nor rightly divide my Word to my people?

Now, what should I do with these people who don’t know me because of your teachings, your unbelief in the power of my name and your unbelief in the power of the blood in my salvation message?

Therefore, Pastor, you don’t know me and I never knew you. What should I do with you and your congregation when they come to me? (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).

Your Pastor: Well Lord, I, I, I, ????? Lord, do I get another chance to get it right.

What would you say if the Lord said? This is your chance. These are the things that you must do;

1. Ask me to help you through prayer and fasting.

2. Believe me when I say I am one Lord and not three persons. What does this mean to
You – Job 13:7-8, Colossians 2:8-12, Hebrews 1:3? I never told you I am three persons. Where did that come from?

3. Seek to know me and the mystery of the gospel. What is my name? The power, the blood and salvation is in my name. Learn how to use my name in the “born again” experience.

4. You must understand salvation and how to be born again using John 3:5, Matthew 28:19, and Acts2:38. You must teach my people that they must repent, be baptized in my name and receive my Spirit.

5. You must understand how Peter used the “keys of the kingdom of heaven.” How were they used and what did they open? Didn’t I tell you that I am the door? Didn’t Peter use the keys to open the door to my Church? I told you how to be “born again” in John 3:5 and Peter told you how to be “born again” in Acts 2:38, follow his words explicitly.

6. Stay away from false, misleading, and unsound doctrine. Follow the “apostles’ doctrine.” The apostles’ doctrine is the only sound doctrine of Jesus Christ (God). It’s understandable, it’s believable, it’s teachable, and it’s my Word (Acts 2:42).

7. Finally, study to show yourself approved, rightly divide my Word and get it right before I come.

This scenario is used to get one to think about what we have learned in our traditional Trinitarian doctrine that we don’t understand. We should pause and think about the seriousness of Gods’ Words and whether we are doing everything that God said we should do when he spoke through the apostles (II Thessalonians 1:7-8). The apostles preached and taught the mystery of Jesus Christ and the true gospel message that was taught by God himself through his manifestation of Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 5:19, I Timothy 3:16).

Chester Mitchell wrote an article in “America’s Christian Newspaper” called, “The Way of the Potter,” October 1999, Editor Bud Tingle, P.O. Box 747, Madisonville, KY 42431, page 9.

Mr. Mitchell stressed the importance of people being willing to be molded by God. He was not speaking to Pastors alone. It is my opinion, his message was to any Christian person. However, we would like to relate this message specifically to Pastors, seeing that we are speaking of Pastors.

Mr. Mitchell writes, “The church has many people who have never become the master pieces God wants them to be. Somewhere along the road of life they missed doing God’s perfect will for their lives. Perhaps they were not willing to endure crushing, molding, and shaping necessary to make them useful vessels in God’s service. Perhaps they settled for the mediocre rather than strive for the excellent.

The difference is not in God but in the degree we are willing to submit to Him. There is nothing special about the clay that God uses except that it must be pliable enough to be molded. We must always remember that God does not want to enhance our natural abilities but rather to decrease our reliance on ourselves………

The calling of God is not merely from something but to something. Many people who hear the call of God have never allowed God to call them from worldly thinking and ways. Others have heeded the call from sin but never followed the call to full service. However, it is still not too late.……………

………….Every person needs to submit himself to the way of the Potter who knows what the days ahead hold? The Potter knows, and He is working out His will in our lives. We need only submit to the way of the Potter.

This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations, A Revolution in Christian thought and Philosophy, Every Person seeking to know more about God should read this book" To order call 1-888-280-7715/