Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus am I sav...
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus am I sav...: "Romans 10:9-10 Confess with thy mouth and be saved. This is a scripture that is true to those that believe but it is used out of context..."
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:55 PM

if I confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus am I saved? (Romans 10:9-10)
Romans 10:9-10
Confess with thy mouth and be saved. This is a scripture that is true to those that believe but it is used out of context by many of the general Christian population of today.
In this scripute, Paul is talking to the brethren who had already been saved according to Acts 2:38. The only thing Paul is saying to the brethren is that all they had to do was to confess with their mouth, their faith in the death, burial and resurrection Of Jesus Christ and their salvation is assured.
This is not the salvation scripture for sinners. The salvation scripute is Acts 2:38. Acts 2:38 carries out the great commission (Matthew 28:19), the rock upon which salvation is built (baptism in Jesus name) (Matthew 16:18), the keys of the kingdom (Matthew 16:19), and being born again by water and Spirit (John 3:5).
This scripture, Romans 10:9, will make new converts think that they are saved when they are not. This is a stumblingstone for those who don’t understand that the mystery of God centers on Christ. If we as believers - believe in Jesus Christ, we won’t be ashamed when we tell you that you must believe, repent, and be baptized in Jesus name for remission of sins (Romans 9:33, Acts 2:38, 9:1-5, Mark 16:16).
Many preachers and teachers are misguided because they don’t believe that Jesus is the only God, the promised Messiah, God in the flesh (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:14, I Timothy 3:16, Revelation 1:8). Therefore, because of their unbelief and disobedience, they will never suggest that you, a follower, repent, and get baptized in Jesus name for remission of your sins, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost because they don’t understand the revelation of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:16, Acts 2:38).
Only believers who are converted sinners can call on the name of the Lord and be saved. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved (Mark 16:16).
If one truly believes in Jesus Christ, his death, burial and resurrection, that person would not have a problem getting baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ for remission of sins (Acts 2:37-38). Jesus name baptism is a sure foundation and the rock upon which the church is built and the gates of hell shall not prevail against the baptism in Jesus name (Matthew 16:18-19). If you don’t believe that Jesus name will save, then you won’t get baptized in his name.
Some preachers and teachers have a zeal for God but they don’t have the knowledge and mystery of Jesus Christ (Romans 10:2-4). They want to set up their own righteousness by using this scripture (Romans 10:9) and saying that’s all you have to do to be saved (born again) is to “confess with your mouth and believe in your heart” without taking in consideration Peter’s first sermon. We must be born of water and Spirit.
Look at Peter’s first sermon, Acts 2:14-41. Peter made known that Jesus Christ is the end of the law for righteousness and he explained what we must do to be saved, if we believe in the name of Jesus Christ. There is no other name whereby we must be saved. For every one who believes; Jesus Christ is a sure foundation, whether it be in baptism, works, deeds, activities, etc. Whatever we do in word or deed, we should do it all in Jesus name (Colossians 3:17). Thus, the Jesus name baptism establishes a sure foundation (John 8:12).
Peter told us what we must do to be saved. Why would we establish our own righteousness by repeating this “statement of salvation” and telling new converts they are O.K? (Romans 10:3). These same preachers/teachers don’t know God, neither do they know that Jesus Christ, God’s highest name, is the end of the law of righteousness (Romans 10:4). If they would only believe God’s Word and search the scriptures for themselves, God will reveal these things to them (Matthew 28:18,19, John 3:5, Acts 2:37, 38). We must not be ignorant of this mystery.
Roman 11:20-25
Let’s explore how important it is for you to know the mystery of Christ. Paul explains to the Gentiles that they are grafted into the faith by their belief in Jesus Christ. Paul goes on to say that God will cut off unbelievers just like he cut off the natural branches (the Jews) because of their unbelief.
God is good and because of his goodness, he will allow you to express your belief in him by your actions as instructed by Peter. Once you have followed God’s direction through Peter, God will restore you back into the faith (Acts 2:38).
You must believe that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Saviour, the oneness of God, the revelation that Jesus is God, and you must believe in the “keys” that were given to Peter and how they were used in Acts 2:37-38 to open the door to the church. If you don’t understand the mystery of who Jesus is, you will find other ways to try to be saved rather than follow the instructions given by Peter. If you don’t understand the mystery, you won’t believe that Jesus is the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost (Colossians 1:19, 2:8-10).
Therefore, you will try to come up another way to be saved (John 10:1). Thus you will never get baptized in Jesus name for remission of sins because of unbelief. For example, “Confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus, believe in your heart, and you will be saved.” This statement doesn’t have any indication of baptism in the name of Jesus, repentance, remission of sins, nor receiving the Holy Spirit. It doesn’t speak of the water nor the Spirit (St. John 3:5).
Water and Spirit are the main tenets of salvation and the born again experience. No one can have the complete born again experience unless they repent, be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for remissions of sins (water) and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost/Spirit (Spirit) (Acts 2:28). If you take this scripture, Romans 10:9, out of context, then you don’t know nor understand the mystery of Christ nor how to be born again.
Thus, you will get lost in your own philosophy, deceit, and tradition of men, after the rudiments of this world and not after Christ. (Colossians 2:8-10). Romans 10:9 is true for believers who are going on to perfection and continuing in the faith. This is not a born again scripture for sinners. There are some scriptures that seem to contradict each other but we must understand the context and the oneness of God not to be saved but to understand the method of salvation.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations". To order call 1-888-280-7715
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:47 PM

Will Daniels
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