Saturday, May 21, 2011
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: In Luke there is proof that Jesus Christ is the on...
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: In Luke there is proof that Jesus Christ is the on...: "True Christians don't have a problem understanding how God made Himself a body and dwell among us (1 John 1:1-2). God is one Person who ..."
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:33 AM

In Luke there is proof that Jesus Christ is the one and Lord God Almighty (John 1:10, 14)
True Christians don't have a problem understanding how God made Himself a body and dwell among us (1 John 1:1-2). God is one Person who made the world and the world didn't know Him (Hebrews 1:3, 8). When God was and is in the Spirit, He made the world by His own name - Jesus Christ (John 1:10, Acts 4:12).
The Spirit of God took on the Flesh of Man (John 1:1, 14, II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 2:8-9, I Timothy 3:16). Unbelievers will never see God's glory nor understand how God Himself was manifested through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, the one Lord God Almighty of heaven and earth (Revelation 1:8). One can only understand the manifestations of God through the Spirit of Christ. Therefore, we find again in Luke, through the Spirit of Christ, additional proof that God's Word is true.
Luke 1:30, 31, 32, 33, 35, 43, 47
Let’s take a look at the importance of the birth of Jesus, his blood, the significance of his role, and who he is;
1. Mary would find favor with God and will be the chosen one to bear the flesh of the Messiah: This is the basis for the phrase; “Mary, Mother of God”- Luke 1:43. Mary is the mother of the anointed flesh of God in a natural sense, God was in Christ – Matthew 3:17, II Corinthians 5:19. In a spiritual sense, Mary cannot be the mother of God because God’s eternal Holy Spirit cannot be created nor birthed by a woman. God’s Spirit was clothed in flesh through the birthing process. This miraculous birth of Jesus was used by God to come down from heaven to die for our sins as the sacrificial Lamb. God is our Saviour Jesus Christ– Isaiah 43:10-13.
2. His name would be called Jesus. The name of Jesus was established before the foundation of the world. He was that Rock that followed the children of Israel out of Egypt (I Corinthians 10:4)
verse 31.
3. He would be a great King from the lineage of David and the Son of the Highest-verse 32.
4. His Kingdom will be everlasting – verse 33
5. He is recognized as the Son of God – verse 35
6. He is recognized as the one Lord - verse 43 (Ephesians 4:5)
7. He is God and Saviour - verse 47 (Isaiah 43:10-11)
I would like to give an explanation of the birth of Christ because there might be some who don’t fully understand this natural/Spiritual birth. In addition, there are some religions that don’t believe that God can have a Son. First you must believe that God can do anything that he chooses to do at any time or any place. If you don’t believe God can do anything, you will not believe that God can have a Son by a woman.
God told Mary, a virgin, through Gabriel, that she is blessed and that the Holy Spirit will come upon her and she will bear a child (Luke 1:26-35).
Mary who had not been with a man, didn’t understand how this could happen. Mary questioned the angel about how this miracle could happen? It seems to me that this was a very good question. But let’s go a little deeper into this miraculous conception.
God put his Holy Spirit in the body of Mary. If we understand how the body works, we will not have a problem believing that the Holy Spirit is the seed that God put in Mary’s womb. Matthew 1:18, 20. In this case, the seed or the Spirit will become the Father of the child.
Therefore, the newborn, a son, will take the name of the Father (John 5:43, 12:28-29, 13:31-32). The name of the Father is Jesus Christ, meaning “God with us.” (Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 1:23, Luke 10:21-24). Now ask yourself, how many persons are there? When the scriptures say, “God with us,” does that mean there is one God? That’s right, there is only one God. Thus, Jesus Christ is the only “God with us.” The name Jesus Christ is the name that God used to glorify himself because God will not give his glory to another (Isaiah 42:8). God had already told us, through Isaiah, that beside him there is no Saviour, therefore, we can conclude that Jesus Christ is God himself, the Saviour, born of a woman (Isaiah 43:10-13, Luke 2:11). In other words, Jesus Christ is not only the Son of God, he is also God himself, the Saviour – The everlasting Father – Isaiah 9:6.
In conclusion, based on our understanding of the birthing process and how fathers are classified, we can say that God is the Father of Jesus because it was God’s seed that was used for impregnation. God begot himself a body, which is the lamb of God (John 1:1, 14, 29). God was born as a man so that he could shed his blood and die for the salvation of mankind (Acts 20:28).
If you believe in one God, this shouldn’t seem so strange. These scriptures are very specific. Jesus Christ is a manifestation of “the one true God.” (John 1:14, I Timothy 3:16, I John 5:20). This blessed event was the greatest gift that God has ever given to mankind. The birth of Jesus Christ.
Luke 2:10-11
This is the blessed event and the greatest gift to mankind. The angel of the Lord announces that Jesus is;
1. The Saviour Matthew 1:21, Luke 1:47, 2:11, Isaiah 43:10-11
2. The Christ Matthew 16:16, Luke 2:11, I Corinthians 10:4
3. The Lord Matthew 3:3, Luke 2:11, Ephesians 4:5, Deuteronomy 6:4
These three titles, Saviour, Christ, and Lord are not three persons. There is One God who has three titles. Look at it from a natural point of view. I am a husband, father, son, brother, uncle, relative, etc., However, I am only one person. I have many titles, but I have only one name. God is no different. God is one person with one name (Jesus Christ – Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9-12). God has many attributes and titles but he has only One name for the salvation of men (Acts 4:12). This is a great mystery and Jesus didn’t want anyone to know that he was God, The Christ, until his time had come.
Luke 4:34, 35
Jesus didn’t want anyone to know that he was God, the Holy One of Israel. In my mind, if Jesus would have established himself as “The Christ,” the things that he needed to accomplish would not have occurred as prophesied. The people would have assumed too early that he was trying to establish himself as being equal with God. When the people thought that Jesus was saying he was God, equal with God or the Son of God, they sought to crucify him. They said, here is a man who maketh himself God. Therefore, it was too early for them to know he was God, “The Christ.” Even though the devils and all principalities and powers recognizes Jesus as God, Jesus didn’t want this information spread aboard at that time.
Luke 4:41
This is a scripture that establishes that the devils and all principalities and powers recognizes Jesus as God, “The Christ,” and the Son of God. Again, Jesus didn’t want anyone to know he was God, “The Christ,” at this time; for his time had not come. Therefore, Jesus told them not to speak. Thus we find another dimension that proves that Jesus is the Almighty God.
Luke 5:20, 21
We find another dimension that proves that Jesus is the Almighty God. The scribes and Pharisees understood from their study of the scriptures that only God could forgive sins. When Jesus forgave sins, it was felt that he was blaspheming because they reasoned that he was just a man, how could he forgive sins? What the scribes and Pharisees didn’t realize was that Jesus was God and he could forgive sins on earth (Matthew 9:6, Mark 2:10, Mark 2:5, 6-7). Neither did they understand Jesus’ purpose on earth. He was the fulfillment of the Law and he could forgive sins because he was Lord of the Sabbath the embodiment of the Ten Commandments. And he could forgive anyone who broke his Law.
Luke 6:5
The Son of man is Lord of the Sabbath. This scripture shows us that God established the Sabbath. Therefore, Jesus was letting the Pharisees know that not only was he the Lord of the universe, but he was also the Lord of the Sabbath because he is the Sabbath. Only God himself could be the Lord of the Sabbath, therefore, Jesus is saying, I am the Lord God, I established the Sabbath. In the Old Testament, there was a certain day of the week, chosen by God for the children of Israel to worship and reverence him. Jesus, who is the Sabbath, can be worshiped on any day of the week. Therefore, the days aren’t as important as the Sabbath which is Jesus Christ. Choose any day of the week for your Sabbath and celebrate that day as your Sabbath Day. Certainly this is not a violation of the scripture because the praise and worship of Jesus Christ will happen on the Sabbath Day that you choose.
Therefore, when the Lord says to remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, this means we can choose to remember and reverence Jesus Christ on every day and any day because Jesus Christ is Lord of the Sabbath. There are some faiths that worship God on Saturdays and there are others that worship on Sundays. Both are correct, the days aren’t important. What’s important is that Jesus Christ is the Sabbath and we should worship him in the fullness of his glory. The Jews worshipped God on Saturday because of their old testament teachings, not because it was necessary in the presence of Christ. Jesus Christ is the embodiment of the Sabbath. The disciples had to realize within themselves that they knew who he was – The Lord of the Sabbath.
Luke 9:20-22
Jesus wanted the disciples to realize within themselves, that they knew who he was. Peter understood that Jesus is God, “The Christ.” However, it was not the time to let the people know that he was God because the prophecies had not been fulfilled. Again, we see that Jesus made sure that the apostles understood that they would know mysteries about him that no one else knew and they should keep this knowledge in confidence. Jesus thanked his heavenly Spirit that these things were hidden.
Luke 10:21-24
Jesus was excited and thanked his Heavenly Spirit that the things of God were hidden from the wise and prudent and that his Deity has been revealed unto babes. The mystery of who the Father is and who the Son is, would be revealed by Jesus himself - by revelation. The prophets and kings wanted to see God in flesh. For it had been prophesied by the prophets over generations that the God of heaven and earth would come to save his people from their sins. The prophets felt it would a blessing to have seen the anointed flesh of God, “The Christ.”
If you have ever felt in your heart that you would like to know God; seek to know who he is through study of the scriptures, and with a pure heart, then he will reveal himself to you. He is the only one who will show you the revelation and mystery of the gospel. We will understand more about who Jesus is by his coming.
Luke 19:38
The coming of the Christ. When Jesus was coming down from the Mount of Olives, the multitude and disciples started praising him and saying he was coming in the name of the Lord. The Lord they were referring to is the Lord God Jehovah whom they had known in the Old Testament. When they said, he was coming in the name of the Lord, they recognized that the name of the Lord, Jesus Christ, as the “Christ.” According to the scriptures, God himself would come, and he would be the “Christ.”
Therefore, Jesus is the God of heaven and earth. (Isaiah 9:6, Malachi 3:1, John 1:1, 10, 14, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, I Timothy 3:16). When Jesus comes, we will see him on the right hand of the power of God.
Luke 22:69
The Son of man sits on the right hand of the power of God. The right hand of the power of God has baffled Christian believers the world over. This would make one think in our carnal minds that there is more than one God. We don’t know everything there is to know about God, but I can assure you, there is no such thing as more than one God or more than one person in God. The right hand of God is considered the power of God. God has said his right hand has spanned the heavens, he has chastised, rescued and fought for Israel with the power of his right hand (Lamentations 2:1-4, Isaiah 48:13).
Jesus Christ is in this most powerful position in the Godhead (Matthew 26:64, Mark 14:62, Luke 22:69, Acts 5:30, 31, I Peter 3:22). This position is called, “The Right Hand of the power of God.” There will be some who won’t believe and Jesus admonished people because of their unbelief.
Luke 24:25-27
Jesus was admonishing some of the people who were with Peter. They were slow to believe that his resurrection had been spoken of by the prophets and he would suffer these things. He went on to explain the scriptures so that they could see that he was the God whom Moses and the Prophets talked about (Jesus - John 1:1, 10, 14). Moses told us; in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Jesus gives us an understanding of what Moses was saying when the words of Moses were verified in John 1:1-10, I Corinthians 8:6 and Colossians 1:14-19. Thus Jesus Christ is the God who created heaven and earth.
Once we search the scriptures, we will find that all scriptures beginning in Genesis testify that Jesus Christ is the only true and living God. Jesus explains without exception that all scriptures are concerning himself. There will be many who won’t believe Moses concerning Jesus Christ and his Deity. They won’t believe Jesus, even if Jesus said he is the only God (Isaiah 52:6, Revelation 1:8, 22:13). Jesus took advantage of another teaching opportunity. To see the foundation of Jesus’ teaching, refer to the “Golden Nuggets” at the end of this book.
Luke 24:44-45
Jesus took advantage of another teaching opportunity by opening the understanding of his apostles. Moses and the prophets had spoken to God himself and God had explained to them that these things would come to pass (Jesus Christ - I Corinthians 10:4). Jesus had to open the understanding of the disciples so that they could see that he was the Great God of the Old Testament and now he is in the flesh as “The Christ.”
What this tells us is that today, we have preachers, teachers, evangelists and prophets who have walked with Jesus daily, the same way the disciples walked and talked with him, and they still don’t know him as the Lord God Jehovah. Jesus Christ is Jehovah Saviour. God would have to open the understanding of these great men and women of God who will believe his Word. For all power in heaven and earth rests in the hands of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, who is the right hand of the power of God (Matthew 28:18).
Jesus Christ is the one God incarnate. After Jesus opened the understanding of the apostles, he explained repentance and remissions of sins.
Luke 24:47
After Jesus opened the understanding of the apostles, he explained to them that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in Jesus name, beginning at Jerusalem. Jesus is the only name given to men whereby we must be saved. The actual beginning of the gospel message and the opening of the door to the Church was preached in Jerusalem, in the name of Jesus, by Peter (Acts 2:14).
Peter used the “keys of the kingdom of heaven” to open the door to the Church, when he said, in Acts 2:38. Key #1. Repent, Key #2. and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and Key #3. receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. To understand the born again experience study the first sermon that was preached in the name of Jesus beginning at Jerusalem. (Acts 2:14, 36-38). How does your traditions and baptisms measure up to the actual gospel preached in Jerusalem? From here, let’s go to John to see how the scriptures establishes the point that Jesus is the Word.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. To order call 1-888-280-7715
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:32 AM

Will Daniels
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