Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: Acts 2:38 is the great commission, how to be bo...: "Acts 2:36-38 These scripture verses show us how Peter used the “Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.” Peter preached the first sermon of the gos..."
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: Acts 2:38 is the great commission, how to be bo...
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:22 PM

Acts 2:36-38 is the great commission, how to be born again, and the keys of the kingdom of heaven
Acts 2:36-38
These scripture verses show us how Peter used the “Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven.” Peter preached the first sermon of the gospel of Jesus Christ on the day of Pentecost. After the Holy Ghost came upon the disciples, Peter being full of the Spirit, preached a sermon about the prophecies in the Old Testament which described who Jesus was. He explained that they had crucified the Lord Jesus (“The Christ - God himself”- John 1:10). The mens’ hearts were broken, they were hurt, so they wanted to know, what could they do to get this thing right.
What Peter did at this point, was to open the door to the church, using the “keys of the kingdom of heaven,” by saying,
1st Key “Repent,
2nd Key “be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins,”
3rd Key “and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost/Spirit.”
These were the keys that Peter used to open the door (Jesus Christ) to the Church and this was also the fulfillment of the answer that Jesus gave to Nicodemus when he told him that he must be born of the water, in Jesus’ name and the Spirit which is in Jesus name (John 3:5) Jesus is the rock of our salvation.
The Jesus name baptism is the rock upon which salvation and the born again experience is based (II Samuel 22:1-4, 32, 47). The Jesus name baptism is the application of the blood to the souls of men. The Jesus name baptism is also the fulfillment of and the application of the death, burial, and resurrection of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Acts 20:28). For we are buried with him by baptism (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:8-12).
Again, Acts 2:38 is “the born again scripture” which fulfilled John 3:5. Many preachers preach that you must be born again but they can’t tell you how. These preachers baptize new converts by erroneously using God’s titles - the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost as mentioned in Matthew 28:19. They don’t know God the Father, neither do they know the Son, nor the Holy Ghost - because of their unbelief in the name of Jesus Christ.
Today’s Christians have fallen into the “wilderness” of the Trinitarian doctrine because of their unbelief. Remember that the children of Israel were lost in the “wilderness” because of their unbelief. They didn’t realize that they were traveling in circles. Only God can break the cycle of unbelief and return his people to the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Men have developed their own doctrine, starting at the Nicaean Council of 325 A.D. However, I believe in my heart that God is bringing us out of the “wilderness” of the Trinitarian doctrine by the power of his Word.
To those that believe, Peter tells us what we must do to become a child of God. Because we believe that Jesus is the Christ, the anointed body of the One and only God of heaven and earth (John 1:10 - the Lamb that was slain - John 1:29), we will get baptized in his name. Remember: Jesus himself instructed Peter and the apostles. You can rest assuredly that Peter was correct in everything that he said we should do in the name of Jesus Christ, the only name given to men whereby we must be saved (Acts 4:12. Colossians 3:17).
The baptism in Jesus name is the catalyst for understanding the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost/Spirit (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38). This is my understanding of the revelation of this scripture in Mark 16:16. He that believeth and is baptized, “in the name of Jesus Christ,” shall be saved and he that believeth not shall be damned. Jesus said, why do you call me Lord and don’t do the things that I say? (Luke 6:46-48). Saints of God will tell you about repentance, being baptized in Jesus name and receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and you won’t hear nor believe them. You won’t do what the Lord told Peter to tell you to do. These are not Peter’s words only; these words are the Word of God (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).
Using these “keys of the kingdom of heaven” as instructed by Peter is building a foundation on a rock - Jesus Christ (Luke 6:46-49, Matthew 16:18-19). In addition, Jesus is the door. And Peter used these keys to open the door to Jesus, the kingdom of heaven, and to the knowledge and mystery of Christ. For believers, Acts 2:38 is the opening of the door to the Church, the washing of the blood of the Lamb, repentance - something you must do, the remission of sins, being buried with him in baptism, being raised with him, walking in the newness of life, and taking on the name of Jesus as the bride of Christ. Preachers should listen and be obedient to the instructions that were given to Peter by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Romans 3:3-4). Let me ask you something? Do you remember the Passover? God said when the death angel sees the blood, he will pass over you.
When we get baptized in the blood of Jesus Christ, we have a type of Passover. The blood has been applied to our souls. How this baptism in Jesus name will be used in the judgment is unclear. However, I can assure you that it’s extremely important that we follow God’s Word and get washed in the blood of the Lamb using the name of Jesus Christ (the Lamb) in baptism. We should fully understand the apostolic doctrine so that we can follow God’s instructions (Acts 2:42). In Summary, there is no question that Acts 2:38 is the great commission given to the apostles (Matthew 28:19), how to be born again given to Nicodemus (John 3:5), and the keys of the kingdom of heaven given to Peter (Matthew 16:18-19).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations". To order call 1-888-280-7715
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:15 PM

Will Daniels
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: God glorifies himself in Jesus Christ (II Corinthi...
Understanding the Trinity vs Three Manifestations: God glorifies himself in Jesus Christ (II Corinthi...: "John 17:1-6, 11-14, 25, 26 God glorifies himself in the body of Christ. Verse 1. In these scripture verses, Jesus makes unmistakable refe..."
God glorifies himself in Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 1:19, 2:9)
John 17:1-6, 11-14, 25, 26
God glorifies himself in the body of Christ. Verse 1. In these scripture verses, Jesus makes unmistakable references to show that God will glorify himself in his body. God lets us know that his name is the Lord Jesus (Revelation 1:8). There is only one Lord and he will glorify himself. Remember that God will not give his glory to another. (Isaiah 42:8).
Verse 2-3. Jesus has power over all flesh and eternal life. In other words, Jesus is saying that once he is glorified they will know that he is the only true God through his manifestation as Jesus Christ who was sent (I John 5:20).
Verse 4-6. Jesus says that he has glorified God on earth and that God, the Spirit, will glorify himself in the body of Jesus. This is so powerful that it’s hard to put it into words. Jesus is saying to the Spirit, I have made your name - Jesus Christ - visible (manifested). And I have glorified your name (God’s name - Jesus Christ) on earth by my presence and the works that I have completed. Now Father (the flesh speaks to the Spirit) glorify me (the Son - flesh) with the Spirit, which is the form that I was in before I came to earth.
Verse 11. Jesus tells the Father to keep the disciples in his own name (God’s own name is Jesus Christ) that they might be one mind. The mind of Christ is God’s mind. Then Jesus said, that he and the Father are one. The same Person – One God.
Verse 12. Jesus said that while he was in the world he kept the apostles and followers in thy name. The apostles were kept in the name of Jesus Christ which is God’s name.
Verse 25. Jesus says again, that the world don’t know the Father but Jesus knows the Spirit (himself). However, his disciples, knew that the Spirit (the Father) sent the flesh into the world and that he (the flesh) is “The Christ – God himself”
Verse 26. Jesus said that he has declared God’s name The name of God that was declared or made known, is Jesus Christ. God has loved the flesh (Son) that God has begotten and that same love will be in the followers of Jesus. In addition to the love of God, Jesus will come back in the form of the Holy Ghost/Spirit and will be in the saints. Jesus will be in the form of the Holy Ghost/Spirit, therefore the name of the Holy Ghost/Spirit is Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38). Jesus says that “I am he.” Translated, I am God (Deuteronomy 32:39, John 8:24). Thus, God will only glorify himself in the body of Jesus Christ (Isaiah 42:8).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. To order call 1-888-280-7715
Will Daniels
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