First of all Paul doesn't beleve in two nor three persons in God. Paul asked the Lord his name in Acts 9:1-5. Thus he knows God is one based on his Hebrew training and now he knows his name. He also understands that God manifested himself in the Flesh as the Lord Jesus Christ (John 1:10, I Timothy 3:16). So, how does Paul address the dual nature of God? Let's take a look at a few of Paul's revelations.
Ephesians 1:2,3
Verse 2. Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Translation: Grace be to you, and peace, from God who is our Father and from his manifestation as the Lord Jesus Christ.
Verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.
Translation: Blessed be the God who is the Spiritual Father of the flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ has blessed us with spiritual blessings in heavenly places in himself, who is also our heavenly Father, in Spirit form (Isaiah 9:6, I Corinthians 10:4).
Ephesians 1:1-16
Let’s take a look at how Paul addresses the dual nature of God. One would have to always keep in mind that God is one. This will never change, God will always be one. In I Timothy 3:16, It says, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:……….This scripture explains that Jesus is God by saying, God was manifested in the flesh………. The dual nature of God is a mystery to the carnal mind.
However, to the spiritual mind and to the saint who believes in the oneness of God through revelation, it’s understandable Even though, I will explain this revelation to you, you will not get it if you don’t believe; for the scripture says, if this gospel is hid, it is hid to those that are lost. To understand Paul; here are some things we must keep in mind. God can;
1. Be in heaven and on earth at the same time. The Spirit of God always remained in heaven and yet that Spirit of God was in the body of Christ. This is the dual nature of God, human and divine. Same Spirit, same God. The Spirit of God can put himself in the body of Christ and declare that his glorified body has all power. (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Matthew 28:18).
2. Reveal to us that all of his Spiritual power is now revealed in the body of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3, 8). God made sure in these scriptures that we understand that His Spiritual form has taken on a glorified body. When we see the true God, he will appear as Jesus Christ (I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8, 11, 22:13). Then the Jews will mourn and weep because they did not recognize God, the Messiah, in his human form. Guess what? A number of Christians have not recognized Jesus as the One and only true God in his human form. On that special day appointed by the Lord, all nations will bow and recognize Jesus is the Lord God of heaven and of earth (Ephesians 3:9, 4:4-6, Isaiah 45:21-23, Philippians 2:10-11)
3. Have a name that has always been eternal (infinite). The prophets didn’t know God’s highest and eternal name (John 1:1, 3, 10, I Corinthians 10:4). The body of Jesus Christ was limited, it had a beginning (finite) and it had a human death. God put the infinite (name) and the finite (body) together. Therefore, there is one body, one person, and one name. It is a great mystery how God performed this miracle (John 14:6-11, I Timothy 3:16).
4. Show a distinction between the Spirit of God and the flesh of God so that we could understand, by revelation, what God was doing and how his manifestations were used to save man from his sins. God had to beget a lamb, and that lamb would be himself, God’s own flesh. (Acts 20:28, Revelation 1:5). The scriptures talk about the Father as “the Spirit” and it talks about the “Son” Jesus Christ as God’s fleshly manifestation (the Messiah). One God, dual nature – not two or three persons in one God. As aforementioned, God can be in heaven and on earth at the same time.
In light of this understanding, Paul said in verse 2. Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Translation: Grace and peace from the Spirit of God, the Father, even his fleshly manifestation (the Son) which we have seen here on earth.
Verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,……
Blessed be the Heavenly Spirit, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who manifested himself to us in the form of Jesus Christ.
Verse 4. God tells us that we were chosen in Jesus Christ (God’s eternal name) before the foundation of the world and we should be holy and without blame before him (Jesus Christ).
Verse 5-9. It was a pleasure for him (the Spirit) to adopt us to himself by the blood of Jesus Christ, His fleshly manifestation because our adoption was predestined.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding" The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. To order call 1-888-280-7715
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Does Paul believe in two persons in God - God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ?
Will Daniels
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Did Paul explain the dual nature of Jesus Christ?
I Timothy 3:16
Paul explains the dual nature of God. Paul tells us that God was manifested in the flesh. This scripture is so direct and simple to me, that it hurts my heart when I see people who say they are believers in Christ and they can’t see the revelation of this scripture. This is one of the major scriptures that explains the whole concept of the knowledge and mystery of Christ.
Let’s take a look at how I have grown to understand this scripture. First of all, it’s extremely straight forward. We understand without question that there is a mystery of godliness, however, this scripture explains the manifestation of God and his oneness.
When this scripture tells us that God was manifested in the flesh, it is telling us that Jesus Christ is God (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1,10,14).
Jesus is the only Person who came from God and was manifested as God (John 1:10). This is also one of the scriptures that clarifies for you my use of the word manifestations. In this scripture, we can see the synergistic effect of all the other scriptures which confirm that Jesus Christ is God himself and that there is no other God.
Research the following scriptures. These scriptures help us to know and believe in “The Deity of Christ,” the concept that Jesus is the only God.
In Isaiah 9:6, we see that Jesus is the everlasting Father and the mighty God.
In John 1:1, 3, 10,14. We see that Jesus is the Word, the creator who made the world. And we understand that the Word, who is God, was made flesh. The flesh of God is Jesus Christ, the most powerful God in the Universe (Acts 4:12).
In Colossians 1:14-19 and 2:9, we see that God is in the body of Jesus, the one Person in the Godhead. In I John 5:20, we see that Jesus is the only True God, and in Revelation 1:8, 11, we see that Jesus is the Almighty. There are so many more scriptures that verifies this scripture in Timothy.
Now, we understand that the God that was manifested in the flesh is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the God who was justified in the Spirit, through his death, burial and resurrection. God justified and glorified his own body which is the body of Christ (John 17:5, 21:19, II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9).
Jesus Christ is the God who was seen of angels in his Spirit form as the Father of Creation, he was seen of angels at his birth, and he was seen of angels as he ascended back into heaven after his resurrection and glorification.
Jesus Christ is the God who was preached unto the Gentiles by Paul and the apostles (Acts 9:11-16, Romans 1:16, I Corinthians 1:24, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11).
Jesus Christ is the God who was believed on in the world by the apostles, the Jews, and the Gentiles. Thank God for the love that he has shown toward the Gentiles of this world. For we are free to love the Lord Jesus Christ as our own Lord and Saviour.
Jesus Christ is the God who was received up into glory (Acts 1:9-11). The same way that Jesus ascended up into heaven, will be the same way he will return.
Upon his return all nations will bow and declare that Jesus is Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4). This scripture tells us that Jesus is the only God and he will return for the ones who believe and have the knowledge of him and who knows who he is (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).
If they would have known that Jesus Christ was the Lord they would have been washed in his blood (baptism in Jesus name, the rock upon which the church is built, and they would have received his Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Thank God for Jesus and the love that he has shown toward his dear saints who have the revelation of his glorious name.
In II Timothy 3:16 we see that we must study to show ourselves approved of God. Is I Timothy 3:16 and II Timothy 3:16 a coincidence. I don't think so. I think this is a message. We need to study so that we can understand that Jesus Christ is the one Lord of heaven and earth (Deuteronomy 6:4).
Note: This scripture, I Timothy 3:16, proves that Paul and the apostles would have been called historical Modalists. The apostles knew nothing about a Trinity, which was the official doctrine of Constantine’s empire.
Note: Satan put together a conspiracy against Jesus Christ and the Christian church in 325AD. In Today’s churches Paul and the apostles would be deemed heretics, based on the decisions made at the Nicene Council of Catholic Bishops which developed, over time, the Trinitarian doctrine of men, beginning in 325AD, well after Paul and the apostles were dead (Galatians 1:8-9). Let's take another look at the duality of Jesus Christ in Ephesians.
Ephesians 1:1-16
Let’s take a look at how Paul addresses the dual nature of God. One would have to always keep in mind that God is one. This will never change, God will always be one. In I Timothy 3:16, It says, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:………. This means that there shouldn't be an arguement, God is a mystery.
This scripture explains that Jesus is God by saying, God was manifested in the flesh………. The dual nature of God is a mystery to the carnal mind. However, to the spiritual mind and to the saint who believes in the oneness of God through revelation, it’s understandable
Even though, I will explain this revelation to you, you will not get it if you don’t believe; for the scripture says, if this gospel is hid, it is hid to those that are lost. To understand Paul; here are some things we must keep in mind. God can;
1. Be in heaven and on earth at the same time. The Spirit of God always remained in heaven and yet that Spirit of God was in the body of Christ. This is the dual nature of God, human and divine. Same Spirit, same God. The Spirit of God can put himself in the body of Christ and declare that his glorified body has all power. (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Matthew 28:18).
2. Reveal to us that all of his Spiritual power is now revealed in the body of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3, 8). God made sure in these scriptures that we understand that His Spiritual form has taken on a glorified body. When we see the true God, he will appear as Jesus Christ (I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8, 11, 22:13). Then the Jews will mourn and weep because they did not recognize God, the Messiah, in his human form. Guess what? A number of Christians have not recognized Jesus as the One and only true God in his human form. On that special day appointed by the Lord, all nations will bow and recognize Jesus is the Lord God of heaven and of earth (Ephesians 3:9, 4:4-6, Isaiah 45:21-23, Philippians 2:10-11)
3. Have a name that has always been eternal (infinite). The prophets didn’t know God’s highest and eternal name (John 1:1, 3, 10, I Corinthians 10:4). The body of Jesus Christ was limited, it had a beginning (finite) and it had a human death. God put the infinite (name) and the finite (body) together. Therefore, there is one body, one person, and one name. It is a great mystery how God performed this miracle (John 14:6-11, I Timothy 3:16).
4. Show a distinction between the Spirit of God and the flesh of God so that we could understand, by revelation, what God was doing and how his manifestations were used to save man from his sins. God had to beget a lamb, and that lamb would be himself, God’s own flesh. (Acts 20:28, Revelation 1:5). The scriptures talk about the Father as “the Spirit” and it talks about the “Son” Jesus Christ as God’s fleshly manifestation (the Messiah). One God, dual nature – not two or three persons in one God. As aforementioned, God can be in heaven and on earth at the same time.
In light of this understanding, Paul said in verse 2. Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace from the Spirit of God, the Father, even his fleshly manifestation (the Son) which we have seen here on earth.
Verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,……
Blessed be the Heavenly Spirit, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who manifested himself to us in the form of Jesus Christ.
Verse 4. God tells us that we were chosen in Jesus Christ (God’s eternal name) before the foundation of the world and we should be holy and without blame before him (Jesus Christ).
Verse 5-9. It was a pleasure for him (the Spirit) to adopt us to himself by the blood of Jesus Christ, His fleshly manifestation because our adoption was predestined.
Ephesians 1:10-23
Jesus returns to heaven as a Spiritual being. Paul is revealing to us that Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead has been elevated back into his Spiritual form as the Father and that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and all principalities, powers and dominions. Paul understood who Jesus was and he expounded on this fact on every occasion he was allowed to preach.
The revelation of Jesus, as preached by Paul, is the understanding that not only was Jesus the Son of God in the flesh but he was and is God himself, the chief cornerstone (Matthew 28:18, Isaiah 9:6, I Timothy 3:16, Revelation 1:8, 22:13).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations". To order call 1-888-280-7715
Paul explains the dual nature of God. Paul tells us that God was manifested in the flesh. This scripture is so direct and simple to me, that it hurts my heart when I see people who say they are believers in Christ and they can’t see the revelation of this scripture. This is one of the major scriptures that explains the whole concept of the knowledge and mystery of Christ.
Let’s take a look at how I have grown to understand this scripture. First of all, it’s extremely straight forward. We understand without question that there is a mystery of godliness, however, this scripture explains the manifestation of God and his oneness.
When this scripture tells us that God was manifested in the flesh, it is telling us that Jesus Christ is God (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1,10,14).
Jesus is the only Person who came from God and was manifested as God (John 1:10). This is also one of the scriptures that clarifies for you my use of the word manifestations. In this scripture, we can see the synergistic effect of all the other scriptures which confirm that Jesus Christ is God himself and that there is no other God.
Research the following scriptures. These scriptures help us to know and believe in “The Deity of Christ,” the concept that Jesus is the only God.
In Isaiah 9:6, we see that Jesus is the everlasting Father and the mighty God.
In John 1:1, 3, 10,14. We see that Jesus is the Word, the creator who made the world. And we understand that the Word, who is God, was made flesh. The flesh of God is Jesus Christ, the most powerful God in the Universe (Acts 4:12).
In Colossians 1:14-19 and 2:9, we see that God is in the body of Jesus, the one Person in the Godhead. In I John 5:20, we see that Jesus is the only True God, and in Revelation 1:8, 11, we see that Jesus is the Almighty. There are so many more scriptures that verifies this scripture in Timothy.
Now, we understand that the God that was manifested in the flesh is Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the God who was justified in the Spirit, through his death, burial and resurrection. God justified and glorified his own body which is the body of Christ (John 17:5, 21:19, II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9).
Jesus Christ is the God who was seen of angels in his Spirit form as the Father of Creation, he was seen of angels at his birth, and he was seen of angels as he ascended back into heaven after his resurrection and glorification.
Jesus Christ is the God who was preached unto the Gentiles by Paul and the apostles (Acts 9:11-16, Romans 1:16, I Corinthians 1:24, Galatians 3:28, Colossians 3:11).
Jesus Christ is the God who was believed on in the world by the apostles, the Jews, and the Gentiles. Thank God for the love that he has shown toward the Gentiles of this world. For we are free to love the Lord Jesus Christ as our own Lord and Saviour.
Jesus Christ is the God who was received up into glory (Acts 1:9-11). The same way that Jesus ascended up into heaven, will be the same way he will return.
Upon his return all nations will bow and declare that Jesus is Lord (Deuteronomy 6:4). This scripture tells us that Jesus is the only God and he will return for the ones who believe and have the knowledge of him and who knows who he is (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).
If they would have known that Jesus Christ was the Lord they would have been washed in his blood (baptism in Jesus name, the rock upon which the church is built, and they would have received his Spirit (Acts 2:38).
Thank God for Jesus and the love that he has shown toward his dear saints who have the revelation of his glorious name.
In II Timothy 3:16 we see that we must study to show ourselves approved of God. Is I Timothy 3:16 and II Timothy 3:16 a coincidence. I don't think so. I think this is a message. We need to study so that we can understand that Jesus Christ is the one Lord of heaven and earth (Deuteronomy 6:4).
Note: This scripture, I Timothy 3:16, proves that Paul and the apostles would have been called historical Modalists. The apostles knew nothing about a Trinity, which was the official doctrine of Constantine’s empire.
Note: Satan put together a conspiracy against Jesus Christ and the Christian church in 325AD. In Today’s churches Paul and the apostles would be deemed heretics, based on the decisions made at the Nicene Council of Catholic Bishops which developed, over time, the Trinitarian doctrine of men, beginning in 325AD, well after Paul and the apostles were dead (Galatians 1:8-9). Let's take another look at the duality of Jesus Christ in Ephesians.
Ephesians 1:1-16
Let’s take a look at how Paul addresses the dual nature of God. One would have to always keep in mind that God is one. This will never change, God will always be one. In I Timothy 3:16, It says, “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness:………. This means that there shouldn't be an arguement, God is a mystery.
This scripture explains that Jesus is God by saying, God was manifested in the flesh………. The dual nature of God is a mystery to the carnal mind. However, to the spiritual mind and to the saint who believes in the oneness of God through revelation, it’s understandable
Even though, I will explain this revelation to you, you will not get it if you don’t believe; for the scripture says, if this gospel is hid, it is hid to those that are lost. To understand Paul; here are some things we must keep in mind. God can;
1. Be in heaven and on earth at the same time. The Spirit of God always remained in heaven and yet that Spirit of God was in the body of Christ. This is the dual nature of God, human and divine. Same Spirit, same God. The Spirit of God can put himself in the body of Christ and declare that his glorified body has all power. (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Matthew 28:18).
2. Reveal to us that all of his Spiritual power is now revealed in the body of Christ (Hebrews 1:1-3, 8). God made sure in these scriptures that we understand that His Spiritual form has taken on a glorified body. When we see the true God, he will appear as Jesus Christ (I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8, 11, 22:13). Then the Jews will mourn and weep because they did not recognize God, the Messiah, in his human form. Guess what? A number of Christians have not recognized Jesus as the One and only true God in his human form. On that special day appointed by the Lord, all nations will bow and recognize Jesus is the Lord God of heaven and of earth (Ephesians 3:9, 4:4-6, Isaiah 45:21-23, Philippians 2:10-11)
3. Have a name that has always been eternal (infinite). The prophets didn’t know God’s highest and eternal name (John 1:1, 3, 10, I Corinthians 10:4). The body of Jesus Christ was limited, it had a beginning (finite) and it had a human death. God put the infinite (name) and the finite (body) together. Therefore, there is one body, one person, and one name. It is a great mystery how God performed this miracle (John 14:6-11, I Timothy 3:16).
4. Show a distinction between the Spirit of God and the flesh of God so that we could understand, by revelation, what God was doing and how his manifestations were used to save man from his sins. God had to beget a lamb, and that lamb would be himself, God’s own flesh. (Acts 20:28, Revelation 1:5). The scriptures talk about the Father as “the Spirit” and it talks about the “Son” Jesus Christ as God’s fleshly manifestation (the Messiah). One God, dual nature – not two or three persons in one God. As aforementioned, God can be in heaven and on earth at the same time.
In light of this understanding, Paul said in verse 2. Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace and peace from the Spirit of God, the Father, even his fleshly manifestation (the Son) which we have seen here on earth.
Verse 3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,……
Blessed be the Heavenly Spirit, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who manifested himself to us in the form of Jesus Christ.
Verse 4. God tells us that we were chosen in Jesus Christ (God’s eternal name) before the foundation of the world and we should be holy and without blame before him (Jesus Christ).
Verse 5-9. It was a pleasure for him (the Spirit) to adopt us to himself by the blood of Jesus Christ, His fleshly manifestation because our adoption was predestined.
Ephesians 1:10-23
Jesus returns to heaven as a Spiritual being. Paul is revealing to us that Jesus Christ who was raised from the dead has been elevated back into his Spiritual form as the Father and that Jesus Christ is the head of the church and all principalities, powers and dominions. Paul understood who Jesus was and he expounded on this fact on every occasion he was allowed to preach.
The revelation of Jesus, as preached by Paul, is the understanding that not only was Jesus the Son of God in the flesh but he was and is God himself, the chief cornerstone (Matthew 28:18, Isaiah 9:6, I Timothy 3:16, Revelation 1:8, 22:13).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations". To order call 1-888-280-7715
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
7:26 AM

Will Daniels
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Is there a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Galatians 1:6-10
Paul was concerned about a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ by some Jewish Christians who wanted to incorporate some other teachings that would pervert the teachings of Paul and the apostles. Paul was adamant that if any one comes to the saints with another gospel that they should be accursed. How does that relate to the doctrine of the Trinity?
Even though this scripture is not talking specially about the Trinity, the scripture says if any other gospel is preached to the saints, let him be accursed. Let’s look at the true gospel message in Acts 2:38. The doctrine of the Trinity would have been foreign to the apostle Paul because the Trinitarian doctrine doesn’t teach the baptism in Jesus name. The Trinitarian doctrine teaches the baptism in God’s titles (Matthew 28:19). And some Trinitarians teach that you don’t need the reception of the Holy Spirit. The Trinitarian doctrine was never delivered to the saints. The foundation of the Trinity was suggested at the Nicaean Council in 325 A.D., by the “Old Catholic Age Church Fathers.”
This doctrine was initiated by a Catholic Father by the name of Tertullian but it developed over the next four centuries. Trinitarianism is a perversion of the gospel, and according to Paul, if we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel, let him be accursed. We can see how strongly the apostle Paul felt about the perversion of the gospel because he said it again in verse 9. I feel Paul realized that there are some who would think that they can understand the mystery.
Galatians 1:11-12
There are some who might think that they can understand the mystery of God with human intellect. Let me assure you that the mystery and the revelation of the name of Jesus Christ will only come by the Spirit of Christ. Flesh and blood will not reveal this to you, neither will you understand the revelation and mystery of Christ from books. No library is big enough for you to find the knowledge, wisdom and revelation of Christ. Paul learned that Jesus was God by revelation. Think it not strange that you will understand the mystery of the revelation of Jesus Christ by the Spirit of God. When they knew God, they did not glorify him as God (Romans 1:19-22).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding" the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations.
Paul was concerned about a perversion of the gospel of Jesus Christ by some Jewish Christians who wanted to incorporate some other teachings that would pervert the teachings of Paul and the apostles. Paul was adamant that if any one comes to the saints with another gospel that they should be accursed. How does that relate to the doctrine of the Trinity?
Even though this scripture is not talking specially about the Trinity, the scripture says if any other gospel is preached to the saints, let him be accursed. Let’s look at the true gospel message in Acts 2:38. The doctrine of the Trinity would have been foreign to the apostle Paul because the Trinitarian doctrine doesn’t teach the baptism in Jesus name. The Trinitarian doctrine teaches the baptism in God’s titles (Matthew 28:19). And some Trinitarians teach that you don’t need the reception of the Holy Spirit. The Trinitarian doctrine was never delivered to the saints. The foundation of the Trinity was suggested at the Nicaean Council in 325 A.D., by the “Old Catholic Age Church Fathers.”
This doctrine was initiated by a Catholic Father by the name of Tertullian but it developed over the next four centuries. Trinitarianism is a perversion of the gospel, and according to Paul, if we, or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel, let him be accursed. We can see how strongly the apostle Paul felt about the perversion of the gospel because he said it again in verse 9. I feel Paul realized that there are some who would think that they can understand the mystery.
Galatians 1:11-12
There are some who might think that they can understand the mystery of God with human intellect. Let me assure you that the mystery and the revelation of the name of Jesus Christ will only come by the Spirit of Christ. Flesh and blood will not reveal this to you, neither will you understand the revelation and mystery of Christ from books. No library is big enough for you to find the knowledge, wisdom and revelation of Christ. Paul learned that Jesus was God by revelation. Think it not strange that you will understand the mystery of the revelation of Jesus Christ by the Spirit of God. When they knew God, they did not glorify him as God (Romans 1:19-22).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding" the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations.
Will Daniels
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