(Isaiah 40:3, John 1:23, Isaiah 45:21-23, Philippians 2:6-11, Luke 2:11)
Yes. The Bible tells us on many occasions that there is but one Lord. Luke tells us that the one Lord is our Saviour and his name is Jesus Christ the Lord. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself (II Corinthians 5:19). These scriptures are proof again, that Jesus is Lord.
The one Lord is Jesus Christ who made the heavens and earth as we've proven by the old and New Testament scriptures (John 1:10). Jesus is Lord and He is God alone (Isaiah 9:6, Revelation 1:8).
Refer to car bumper stickers. Isn't it ironic that those that believe Jesus is Lord, don't understand that the Christ is the same one Lord God of heaven and earth in the Old Testament in his Spirit form as He is in his manifested form as the Son in the New Testament? (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, Matthew 1:23). Jesus Christ is Lord!!
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Monday, February 28, 2011
Does the Bible say Christ is the Lord in Deuteronomy 6:4
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:12 AM

Will Daniels
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The Bible speaks of the Father, the Word and the Holy Ghost, How do you explain this?
(I John 5:7)
Anytime the Bible speaks of Gods' three manifestations, God always lets us know that these three manifestations are one - meaning - the same. There's one God who changed himself into three manifestations - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:9, Acts 2:38, II Corinthians 5:19)
One can get a better understanding of the manifestations of God by understanding that man is one person, with one body and one name, yet he has many titles – father, son, uncle, friend, spouse etc. God is no different, one God, one person, one name, and many titles. However for the salvation of man, God used three main titles - Father (Spirit), Word (Son John 1:14, Hebrews 1:3), and Holy Ghost (Spirit). These three are the same (one). Three manifestations of one God.
In the New Testament, God always explains his oneness to his saints and the scriptures are crystal clear to the true followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore we can’t say, as followers of Christ, there are three Persons in one God. There is only one Person in God (Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 2:8-9) and that Person is Jesus Christ.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Anytime the Bible speaks of Gods' three manifestations, God always lets us know that these three manifestations are one - meaning - the same. There's one God who changed himself into three manifestations - The Father, The Son, and The Holy Ghost (Matthew 28:19, Colossians 2:9, Acts 2:38, II Corinthians 5:19)
One can get a better understanding of the manifestations of God by understanding that man is one person, with one body and one name, yet he has many titles – father, son, uncle, friend, spouse etc. God is no different, one God, one person, one name, and many titles. However for the salvation of man, God used three main titles - Father (Spirit), Word (Son John 1:14, Hebrews 1:3), and Holy Ghost (Spirit). These three are the same (one). Three manifestations of one God.
In the New Testament, God always explains his oneness to his saints and the scriptures are crystal clear to the true followers of Jesus Christ. Therefore we can’t say, as followers of Christ, there are three Persons in one God. There is only one Person in God (Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 2:8-9) and that Person is Jesus Christ.
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How many Persons are there in the Godhead?
(Job 13:7-8, Hebrews 1:3, II Corinthians 4:3-6, Colossians 1:13 -19, 2:8-9)
According to the scriptures, there's only one person in the Godhead. God shows himself as a Person in Job 13:7-11 and He shows Himself as a Person in Hebrews 1:3,8. There are no scriptures in the King James Version nor any other version wherein God speaks of himself as 3 persons.
God speaks of himself as one Person and his image and glory is shown in the face of Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 4:3-6). The Father in his Deity is a person but not a separate person like we would think. He is a Spirit. The Holy Ghost which was sent in the name of Jesus, as a person but not a separate person like we would think, He is the Spirit of God/Christ. The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Christ are equivalent titles for the same Person. God is the same Person in 3 different manifestations of himself.
The one Person of God, in a natural and Spiritual sense, is Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9). He is the incarnation of the Father. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, or Christ in Spirit form. Jesus Christ is the God whom we can see. He is one Spirit, one Person, one God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, John 1:1-14, Romans 1:20-21, Colossians 1:13-20, Hebrews 1:3).
In other words, God is a Spirit. He is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. These titles refer to the same God in different forms or manifestations. The Scriptures say that the Father is well pleased to dwell in the body of Christ and that in Christ dwells all of the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22, II Peter 1:17, Colossians 1:19, 2:8-9).
It is not scriptural and it’s erroneous to say that there are three separate and distinct Persons in the Godhead. God never said it, and it cannot be proven by the Scriptures. There is only one Person in the Godhead according to Colossians 2:8-12. We are buried with Jesus Christ by baptism and we are complete in him.
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestation. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
According to the scriptures, there's only one person in the Godhead. God shows himself as a Person in Job 13:7-11 and He shows Himself as a Person in Hebrews 1:3,8. There are no scriptures in the King James Version nor any other version wherein God speaks of himself as 3 persons.
God speaks of himself as one Person and his image and glory is shown in the face of Jesus Christ (II Corinthians 4:3-6). The Father in his Deity is a person but not a separate person like we would think. He is a Spirit. The Holy Ghost which was sent in the name of Jesus, as a person but not a separate person like we would think, He is the Spirit of God/Christ. The Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit, and the Spirit of Christ are equivalent titles for the same Person. God is the same Person in 3 different manifestations of himself.
The one Person of God, in a natural and Spiritual sense, is Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9). He is the incarnation of the Father. The Holy Ghost is the Spirit of Jesus Christ, or Christ in Spirit form. Jesus Christ is the God whom we can see. He is one Spirit, one Person, one God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, John 1:1-14, Romans 1:20-21, Colossians 1:13-20, Hebrews 1:3).
In other words, God is a Spirit. He is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. These titles refer to the same God in different forms or manifestations. The Scriptures say that the Father is well pleased to dwell in the body of Christ and that in Christ dwells all of the fullness of the Godhead bodily (Matthew 3:17, 17:5, Mark 1:11, Luke 3:22, II Peter 1:17, Colossians 1:19, 2:8-9).
It is not scriptural and it’s erroneous to say that there are three separate and distinct Persons in the Godhead. God never said it, and it cannot be proven by the Scriptures. There is only one Person in the Godhead according to Colossians 2:8-12. We are buried with Jesus Christ by baptism and we are complete in him.
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestation. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:29 PM

Will Daniels
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
I've already been baptized, what should I do?
(Acts 19:1-5)
Paul asked some of the disciples if they had received the Holy Ghost since they had believed? They hadn't even heard whether there was any Holy Ghost. I feel, Paul couldn't understand why they hadn't heard of the Holy Ghost because he knew that when they were baptized, the baptizer should have told them they must repent, be baptized in Jesus name, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Upon hearing this, Paul asked them, unto what then were you baptized? They said unto John's baptism. Paul, explained John's baptism and what it meant. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
If you have been baptized in the titles of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, it’s time to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and not his titles. Therefore, you should find a preacher or Church that baptizes in Jesus name and get baptized again. Paul had saints re-baptized. Re-baptism is not a word that is found in the scriptures, rather, it is based on the actions of the apostles.
Paul and all of the apostles approved of the baptism in Jesus name because, to believers, it is a requirement of salvation. If you don’t understand what Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, then you should follow the example of Peter, Paul, and the apostles (Acts 10:48). God will honor the actions of his apostles because He personally taught them and they knew him as God, “The Christ” (Acts 19:1-5, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understandingthetrinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com Will Daniels
Paul asked some of the disciples if they had received the Holy Ghost since they had believed? They hadn't even heard whether there was any Holy Ghost. I feel, Paul couldn't understand why they hadn't heard of the Holy Ghost because he knew that when they were baptized, the baptizer should have told them they must repent, be baptized in Jesus name, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Upon hearing this, Paul asked them, unto what then were you baptized? They said unto John's baptism. Paul, explained John's baptism and what it meant. When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
If you have been baptized in the titles of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, it’s time to get baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and not his titles. Therefore, you should find a preacher or Church that baptizes in Jesus name and get baptized again. Paul had saints re-baptized. Re-baptism is not a word that is found in the scriptures, rather, it is based on the actions of the apostles.
Paul and all of the apostles approved of the baptism in Jesus name because, to believers, it is a requirement of salvation. If you don’t understand what Jesus said in Matthew 28:19, then you should follow the example of Peter, Paul, and the apostles (Acts 10:48). God will honor the actions of his apostles because He personally taught them and they knew him as God, “The Christ” (Acts 19:1-5, Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understandingthetrinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com Will Daniels
Will Daniels
Monday, February 21, 2011
Stephen said he saw Jesus sitting at the right hand of God, doesn't that prove there's another Person in the Godhead?
(Mark 16:19 Acts 7:55-56)
This scripture does not indicate two gods/persons as one would think. This is a figurative and not a literal meaning. (Matt 26:64, Mark 14:62, Luke 22:69, I Peter 3:22) God in his Spirit form doesn’t have a right or left hand as we know it, for example;
1. God fills the Universe without a left or right side in a natural sense
2. God in a natural sense, doesn’t have hands – God has hands from a Spiritual understanding of his Word in the Old Testament. God’s hand in the Old Testament is a position of power in the Godhead.
3. When God says, He will deliver an army into the hands of another, He doesn't mean hands in a literal sense. He means, I will be with you and you will win the battle.
4. God's Right Hand means, God's Ultimate Power and Authority. Translate the scripture in this manner. Look up the scriptures at the end of the text. When you see the right hand of God used, insert “power and authority.” Since the scriptures are written in Greek and Hebrew and translated into English, inserting “power and authority” will give you a better understanding of the text in English.
In Hebrew, when the Bible speaks of the "right hand," it is speaking of the highest position of power not location in the literal sense. Sometimes we might say, this is my right hand man. Right hand man means, this is the person that I trust and he has the power and authority to do things on my behalf and with my blessings. This doesn’t necessarily mean that this person has to be near my right hand or right side.
Look at this scripture; Psalms 77:10. This scripture says, And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. Remember, God, in a natural sense doesn’t have hands, neither can we determine where the right hand of God is located because He fills the Universe. The above scripture shows the supreme position of the Son of God. This scripture shows God's glorified body is in the supreme position of power and authority in heaven. God would not allow anyone in the position of his "Right Hand of Power" except himself, for He has declared, I will not give my glory to another (Isaiah 42:8).
When Paul was on the road to Damascus, Paul understood that Jesus Christ was in the highest position of the “Right Hand Of the Power of God.” And since, there is only one God - God tells us his name – Jesus Christ (Acts 1:1-9).
Again, we see that God is one Person and we also see that the power and the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is in Christ Jesus (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, John 1:1, 10, 14, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Revelation 1:8).
Research the following scriptures for a better understanding of the ways God has spoken of the power of his "Right Hand." (Exodus 15:6 Psalms 16:8 Psalms 20:6 Psalms 44:3 Psalms 77:10, Psalms 80:17, Psalms 98:1, Isaiah 40:5 Isaiah 48:13, 62:8, Isaiah 48:13, Matthew 26:64, Mark 16:19, Acts 5:31, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 8:1, Hebrews 10:12, I Peter 3:22, Revelation 5:1).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
This scripture does not indicate two gods/persons as one would think. This is a figurative and not a literal meaning. (Matt 26:64, Mark 14:62, Luke 22:69, I Peter 3:22) God in his Spirit form doesn’t have a right or left hand as we know it, for example;
1. God fills the Universe without a left or right side in a natural sense
2. God in a natural sense, doesn’t have hands – God has hands from a Spiritual understanding of his Word in the Old Testament. God’s hand in the Old Testament is a position of power in the Godhead.
3. When God says, He will deliver an army into the hands of another, He doesn't mean hands in a literal sense. He means, I will be with you and you will win the battle.
4. God's Right Hand means, God's Ultimate Power and Authority. Translate the scripture in this manner. Look up the scriptures at the end of the text. When you see the right hand of God used, insert “power and authority.” Since the scriptures are written in Greek and Hebrew and translated into English, inserting “power and authority” will give you a better understanding of the text in English.
In Hebrew, when the Bible speaks of the "right hand," it is speaking of the highest position of power not location in the literal sense. Sometimes we might say, this is my right hand man. Right hand man means, this is the person that I trust and he has the power and authority to do things on my behalf and with my blessings. This doesn’t necessarily mean that this person has to be near my right hand or right side.
Look at this scripture; Psalms 77:10. This scripture says, And I said, This is my infirmity: but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. Remember, God, in a natural sense doesn’t have hands, neither can we determine where the right hand of God is located because He fills the Universe. The above scripture shows the supreme position of the Son of God. This scripture shows God's glorified body is in the supreme position of power and authority in heaven. God would not allow anyone in the position of his "Right Hand of Power" except himself, for He has declared, I will not give my glory to another (Isaiah 42:8).
When Paul was on the road to Damascus, Paul understood that Jesus Christ was in the highest position of the “Right Hand Of the Power of God.” And since, there is only one God - God tells us his name – Jesus Christ (Acts 1:1-9).
Again, we see that God is one Person and we also see that the power and the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is in Christ Jesus (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, John 1:1, 10, 14, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Revelation 1:8).
Research the following scriptures for a better understanding of the ways God has spoken of the power of his "Right Hand." (Exodus 15:6 Psalms 16:8 Psalms 20:6 Psalms 44:3 Psalms 77:10, Psalms 80:17, Psalms 98:1, Isaiah 40:5 Isaiah 48:13, 62:8, Isaiah 48:13, Matthew 26:64, Mark 16:19, Acts 5:31, Romans 8:34, Hebrews 1:3, Hebrews 8:1, Hebrews 10:12, I Peter 3:22, Revelation 5:1).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:38 PM

Will Daniels
Friday, February 18, 2011
Does Jesus prove He's God by speaking to Paul out of heaven?
(Acts 9:3-8)
This scripture is awesome. Saul, his name was changed to Paul, was on his way to persecute the Christians who were saying Jesus was God, The Messiah, and that “the Christ” had come.
While Saul was on his way to Damascus, God shone a bright light on him and he fell to the ground and was astonished. Saul asked the Lord, who was he? The Lord, said "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting; it is hard to kick against the pricks.” Refer to I Corinthians 10:4.
Saul knew this was God because he was brought up in the tradition of the oneness of God which was taught by his family traditions, the prophets and now, God himself. Saul had no doubt in his mind from that point on, that this same Jesus was God himself. Later Paul understood how God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself (II Corinthians 5:19).
When I first read about Saul, I felt that he was a terrible person who didn't love the Lord because he was trying to destroy God's people because they were called Christian. This is what I found out. Saul was an educated man who loved the Lord so much, he would not allow anyone to defame the name of his God. God knew Saul's heart. Saul was persecuting the Christians because he loved the Lord God of Abraham and the prophets with all his heart. When he heard that Christians were going around preaching that Jesus was "The Messiah,” he didn't believe it and he considered this to be blasphemy.
Therefore, Paul was determined not let this travesty against God’s name continue. In other words, he would stop this blasphemy against God at all costs, even to the point of whipping, stoning and even murder. Saul loved the Lord and there was no way he was going to allow these Christians to tell people Jesus was God, “The Christ.”
Saul realized that the only ones to speak out of heaven were either an angel commissioned by God or God himself. Paul believed in only one God, so when he asked the question, who art thou Lord? Jesus identified himself as God by telling Paul his name. Paul realized at that moment, he was fighting against the God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the prophets. He realized that the Christians were right. Jesus is God, “The Christ,” the promised Messiah. I believe Paul wanted to get it right.
Therefore, God gave Paul the opportunity to be a spokesman for the only wise and true God - Jesus Christ. The zeal that Paul had to destroy Christianity was the same zeal and enthusiasm God used to promote the gospel of Christ. Warning: Don’t wait around for God to speak to you out of heaven before you believe his Word. The one God, who is Jesus Christ, has given you many instances to know who He is through his Word. (John 1:14, Colossians 2:9,I Timothy 3:16,I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
This scripture is awesome. Saul, his name was changed to Paul, was on his way to persecute the Christians who were saying Jesus was God, The Messiah, and that “the Christ” had come.
While Saul was on his way to Damascus, God shone a bright light on him and he fell to the ground and was astonished. Saul asked the Lord, who was he? The Lord, said "I am Jesus whom you are persecuting; it is hard to kick against the pricks.” Refer to I Corinthians 10:4.
Saul knew this was God because he was brought up in the tradition of the oneness of God which was taught by his family traditions, the prophets and now, God himself. Saul had no doubt in his mind from that point on, that this same Jesus was God himself. Later Paul understood how God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself (II Corinthians 5:19).
When I first read about Saul, I felt that he was a terrible person who didn't love the Lord because he was trying to destroy God's people because they were called Christian. This is what I found out. Saul was an educated man who loved the Lord so much, he would not allow anyone to defame the name of his God. God knew Saul's heart. Saul was persecuting the Christians because he loved the Lord God of Abraham and the prophets with all his heart. When he heard that Christians were going around preaching that Jesus was "The Messiah,” he didn't believe it and he considered this to be blasphemy.
Therefore, Paul was determined not let this travesty against God’s name continue. In other words, he would stop this blasphemy against God at all costs, even to the point of whipping, stoning and even murder. Saul loved the Lord and there was no way he was going to allow these Christians to tell people Jesus was God, “The Christ.”
Saul realized that the only ones to speak out of heaven were either an angel commissioned by God or God himself. Paul believed in only one God, so when he asked the question, who art thou Lord? Jesus identified himself as God by telling Paul his name. Paul realized at that moment, he was fighting against the God of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the prophets. He realized that the Christians were right. Jesus is God, “The Christ,” the promised Messiah. I believe Paul wanted to get it right.
Therefore, God gave Paul the opportunity to be a spokesman for the only wise and true God - Jesus Christ. The zeal that Paul had to destroy Christianity was the same zeal and enthusiasm God used to promote the gospel of Christ. Warning: Don’t wait around for God to speak to you out of heaven before you believe his Word. The one God, who is Jesus Christ, has given you many instances to know who He is through his Word. (John 1:14, Colossians 2:9,I Timothy 3:16,I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8).
This is an edited excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:51 AM

Will Daniels
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Does Jesus say The Holy Spirit will be sent in his Name?
(John 14:26)
Yes, John 14: 17, 18, 21, 26. These scripture verses will clearly show that Jesus himself will come back in the form of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us the comforter will be sent in his name. Therefore, the name of the comforter, Holy Ghost, is Jesus Christ, who is in us as the Spirit of Christ. Jesus told the disciples, I will not leave you comfortless. The Holy Ghost will come back in my name (Jesus). Jesus tells the apostles I will come (Spirit of Christ - John 14:18). When Jesus says I will come (II Corinthians 3:17), he's saying He will come back in the form of the Holy Spirit. This proves without question, Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ or The Spirit of Christ. The Holy Ghost came in a major way on the day of Pentecost. Jesus told the disciples to wait until they receive power from the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8). The Holy Ghost was sent from heaven after Jesus was crucified, glorified and ascended back to heaven. The name of the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, verifies Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38.
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Yes, John 14: 17, 18, 21, 26. These scripture verses will clearly show that Jesus himself will come back in the form of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us the comforter will be sent in his name. Therefore, the name of the comforter, Holy Ghost, is Jesus Christ, who is in us as the Spirit of Christ. Jesus told the disciples, I will not leave you comfortless. The Holy Ghost will come back in my name (Jesus). Jesus tells the apostles I will come (Spirit of Christ - John 14:18). When Jesus says I will come (II Corinthians 3:17), he's saying He will come back in the form of the Holy Spirit. This proves without question, Jesus is the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, the name of the Holy Spirit is Jesus Christ or The Spirit of Christ. The Holy Ghost came in a major way on the day of Pentecost. Jesus told the disciples to wait until they receive power from the Holy Ghost (Acts 1:8). The Holy Ghost was sent from heaven after Jesus was crucified, glorified and ascended back to heaven. The name of the Holy Ghost, Jesus Christ, verifies Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38.
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Does Jesus say, He is the Father?
(John 14:9-10)
Yes, in John 14:9-10. Scriptural Proof: Isaiah (9:6). The only true God is the Father, who is Jesus Christ. There are other scriptures that's hard for people to believe because they believe in more than one person in the Godhead.
It's difficult for one to believe that there are three distinct persons in the Godhead and believe Jesus when He says, He's the Father. This seems to be a complex issue to unbelievers because they can’t understand how Jesus can be the Father and Son at the same time. One can believe Jesus is the Father only if one can understand that Jesus is a manifestation of the Father.
Therefore, Jesus is correct, He is the Father because He is the bodily manifestation of God (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:14, I Tim 3:16, Colossians 1:19, 2:8-10).
If you say Jesus Christ is not the Father, that would be an anti-christ statement because that statement would be against what Christ has said. Some don't know the Father neither do they know the Son. And Jesus proves it in John 14.
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Yes, in John 14:9-10. Scriptural Proof: Isaiah (9:6). The only true God is the Father, who is Jesus Christ. There are other scriptures that's hard for people to believe because they believe in more than one person in the Godhead.
It's difficult for one to believe that there are three distinct persons in the Godhead and believe Jesus when He says, He's the Father. This seems to be a complex issue to unbelievers because they can’t understand how Jesus can be the Father and Son at the same time. One can believe Jesus is the Father only if one can understand that Jesus is a manifestation of the Father.
Therefore, Jesus is correct, He is the Father because He is the bodily manifestation of God (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:14, I Tim 3:16, Colossians 1:19, 2:8-10).
If you say Jesus Christ is not the Father, that would be an anti-christ statement because that statement would be against what Christ has said. Some don't know the Father neither do they know the Son. And Jesus proves it in John 14.
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:07 AM

Will Daniels
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Who is the First and Last, Jehovah or Jesus?
(Revelation 1:17, 22:13)
This will seem to be a contradiction if you don't believe Jesus is the only God. In Isaiah 48:12, 41:4, 44:6. God expresses that He is the first and last. In Revelation 1:17, 22:13, Jesus said, I am the first and last. Who is correct? This statement proves beyond a doubt, that Jesus is the same God who told the prophets in the Old Testament He is the first and last, verified by I Corinthians 10:4.
The Jews don't recognize Jesus as the One and Only True God, “The Messiah.” And there are some Christians who don’t recognize Jesus as the one and only True God. That's why God told us, “straight is the way and few will find it.”
There will be people who won't make it in, nor find the way, because of their unbelief that Jesus Christ is the one and only Almighty God. Jesus said if you don't believe "I am he," you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
People think they know who God is and they really don't. Search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life. Eternal life is in the believe in the name of Jesus Christ, which is the Rock of our salvation. The Rock (Jesus Christ) of salvation is repentance, baptism in Jesus name for remission of sins, and reception of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38).
When Jesus said in John 10:30, I and my Father are one (meaning the same), he helps us understand that the statement, "first and last", in the Old and New Testaments are spoken by the same God - Jesus Christ, God's highest name (Acts 4:12, 9:5).
The one Lord in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Old Testament, is the same Lord that was born and walked among us in the New Testament - Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:11). Jesus Christ is the one Lord and Almighty God and without him there was not anything made (John 1:10, Revelation 1:8).
This is an edited version of my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
This will seem to be a contradiction if you don't believe Jesus is the only God. In Isaiah 48:12, 41:4, 44:6. God expresses that He is the first and last. In Revelation 1:17, 22:13, Jesus said, I am the first and last. Who is correct? This statement proves beyond a doubt, that Jesus is the same God who told the prophets in the Old Testament He is the first and last, verified by I Corinthians 10:4.
The Jews don't recognize Jesus as the One and Only True God, “The Messiah.” And there are some Christians who don’t recognize Jesus as the one and only True God. That's why God told us, “straight is the way and few will find it.”
There will be people who won't make it in, nor find the way, because of their unbelief that Jesus Christ is the one and only Almighty God. Jesus said if you don't believe "I am he," you will die in your sins (John 8:24).
People think they know who God is and they really don't. Search the scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life. Eternal life is in the believe in the name of Jesus Christ, which is the Rock of our salvation. The Rock (Jesus Christ) of salvation is repentance, baptism in Jesus name for remission of sins, and reception of the Holy Ghost (Acts 2:38).
When Jesus said in John 10:30, I and my Father are one (meaning the same), he helps us understand that the statement, "first and last", in the Old and New Testaments are spoken by the same God - Jesus Christ, God's highest name (Acts 4:12, 9:5).
The one Lord in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Old Testament, is the same Lord that was born and walked among us in the New Testament - Jesus Christ. (Isaiah 9:6, Luke 2:11). Jesus Christ is the one Lord and Almighty God and without him there was not anything made (John 1:10, Revelation 1:8).
This is an edited version of my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:36 AM

Will Daniels
Monday, February 14, 2011
Does Jesus say, He is the Almighty?
(Revelation 1:8)
Yes, Jesus tells John, He is The Almighty. This is not a new scripture. God and the prophets have revealed this fact on more than one occasion. And Jesus cannot lie. If He said, He is the Almighty, then He is the Almighty. Why is this so difficult to understand seeing that there's only one Almighty.
How many times does the scriptures have to say Jesus is the one and only God Almighty before a person will believe?
Let God be true and let’s learn to believe His Word so that our minds will not become reprobate, believing a lie rather than believing the truth.
Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty because He said it. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9).
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Yes, Jesus tells John, He is The Almighty. This is not a new scripture. God and the prophets have revealed this fact on more than one occasion. And Jesus cannot lie. If He said, He is the Almighty, then He is the Almighty. Why is this so difficult to understand seeing that there's only one Almighty.
How many times does the scriptures have to say Jesus is the one and only God Almighty before a person will believe?
Let God be true and let’s learn to believe His Word so that our minds will not become reprobate, believing a lie rather than believing the truth.
Jesus Christ is the Lord God Almighty because He said it. (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9).
This is an edited version from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:16 AM

Saturday, February 12, 2011
Are we saved by baptism?
(I Peter 3:21, Mark 16:16)
This is a unique scripture because you will find people who will argue and say that nobody can be saved by baptism. Or they will say that baptism is not necessary for salvation. Now, let’s see how baptism saves by belief in the gospel message, which causes repentance and baptism in Jesus name (Acts 2:37-38).
I Peter 3:21 means that we are not saved by the washing of the body, we are saved by a good (clear) conscience toward God. All of the apostles in the New Testament knew that baptism was extremely important to salvation. Therefore, new converts were commanded to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Peter) Acts 10:48, (Paul) Acts 19:1-5. These scripture texts are perfectly clear about the importance of baptism to salvation. And they are supported by Acts 2:38 and all the actions of the apostles throughout the book of Acts (Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12).
When we believe, repent and are washed in the blood of Jesus, according to Acts 2:38, we will received remission of sins and have a good conscience toward God.
I guess you might ask? Why would my conscience be clear if I get baptized in Jesus name? Your conscience will be clear because you would have followed God’s Word according to Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38. If you haven’t followed God’s Word, then you can’t have a good conscience toward God (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12).
Baptism is based on the foundation and Rock of Jesus name. We have put on Christ and we are buried with him by baptism. We know that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. And we know that baptism remits sins (Acts 2:38).
The apostles always taught repentance, baptism in Jesus name for remission of sins and reception of the Holy Spirit at the time baptism was performed. In other words, our conscience will be clear and our soul will be free from the guilt and shame of sin because we have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ by baptism and we have obeyed the gospel message (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).
Why would we get baptized ourselves and tell others that it’s not necessary? Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation according to the aforementioned scriptures. If we tell a new convert that all they have to do is confess with their mouth without mentioning repentance, water baptism in Jesus name, and the reception of the Holy Ghost, we are in error (Romans 10:9-10). Refer to question 52 in my book, Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations.
We are saved by baptism according to Peter by having a good conscience toward God and more importantly baptism saves because Jesus said it saves in Mark 16:16.
God’s Word is extremely clear to a believer. However, to an unbeliever, the Word of God is not so clear. God’s Word doesn’t have any private interpretations but unbelievers can’t understand it. Baptism carries the blood of Jesus Christ for remission of sins, and is absolutely necessary for salvation. But let’s understand that I Peter 3:21 and Mark 16:16 are not my words, I didn't say it, God said it.
Instead of trying to prove the scriptures wrong, through the spirit of the antichrist, why not try to understand how the scriptures are true because God said it.
In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus (God) has the final word by telling his apostles that they should go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Then He says; He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. This scripture doesn’t need any private interpretation. According to Jesus Christ baptism saves and if you don’t believe it, you will be damned.
This is an edited version of my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
This is a unique scripture because you will find people who will argue and say that nobody can be saved by baptism. Or they will say that baptism is not necessary for salvation. Now, let’s see how baptism saves by belief in the gospel message, which causes repentance and baptism in Jesus name (Acts 2:37-38).
I Peter 3:21 means that we are not saved by the washing of the body, we are saved by a good (clear) conscience toward God. All of the apostles in the New Testament knew that baptism was extremely important to salvation. Therefore, new converts were commanded to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus (Peter) Acts 10:48, (Paul) Acts 19:1-5. These scripture texts are perfectly clear about the importance of baptism to salvation. And they are supported by Acts 2:38 and all the actions of the apostles throughout the book of Acts (Romans 6:3-4, Galatians 3:27, Colossians 2:12).
When we believe, repent and are washed in the blood of Jesus, according to Acts 2:38, we will received remission of sins and have a good conscience toward God.
I guess you might ask? Why would my conscience be clear if I get baptized in Jesus name? Your conscience will be clear because you would have followed God’s Word according to Matthew 28:19 and Acts 2:38. If you haven’t followed God’s Word, then you can’t have a good conscience toward God (Romans 6:4, Colossians 2:12).
Baptism is based on the foundation and Rock of Jesus name. We have put on Christ and we are buried with him by baptism. We know that without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sins. And we know that baptism remits sins (Acts 2:38).
The apostles always taught repentance, baptism in Jesus name for remission of sins and reception of the Holy Spirit at the time baptism was performed. In other words, our conscience will be clear and our soul will be free from the guilt and shame of sin because we have been washed in the blood of Jesus Christ by baptism and we have obeyed the gospel message (II Thessalonians 1:7-8).
Why would we get baptized ourselves and tell others that it’s not necessary? Baptism is absolutely necessary for salvation according to the aforementioned scriptures. If we tell a new convert that all they have to do is confess with their mouth without mentioning repentance, water baptism in Jesus name, and the reception of the Holy Ghost, we are in error (Romans 10:9-10). Refer to question 52 in my book, Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations.
We are saved by baptism according to Peter by having a good conscience toward God and more importantly baptism saves because Jesus said it saves in Mark 16:16.
God’s Word is extremely clear to a believer. However, to an unbeliever, the Word of God is not so clear. God’s Word doesn’t have any private interpretations but unbelievers can’t understand it. Baptism carries the blood of Jesus Christ for remission of sins, and is absolutely necessary for salvation. But let’s understand that I Peter 3:21 and Mark 16:16 are not my words, I didn't say it, God said it.
Instead of trying to prove the scriptures wrong, through the spirit of the antichrist, why not try to understand how the scriptures are true because God said it.
In Mark 16:15-16, Jesus (God) has the final word by telling his apostles that they should go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Then He says; He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned. This scripture doesn’t need any private interpretation. According to Jesus Christ baptism saves and if you don’t believe it, you will be damned.
This is an edited version of my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Can you prove that Jesus made the world?
(John 1:10, Ephesians 3:1-12, Colossians 1:14-19)
Sure, but first let’s go back to get a better understanding of the Word in John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word which is the logos was the thought of God and was God. The Word which is the thought or mind of God was with God and was made flesh.
Therefore Christ is the manifestation or flesh of God. Go to the first verses of John 1:1-14. God, in the form of the manifested Christ, was in the world and the world was made “by” him (John 1:10).
Jesus Christ in his Spiritual form as the Word or Logos made the world and the world knew him not.
Always keep in mind that God’s name, Jesus Christ, is eternal/infinite. God tells us his name in Acts 9:5. The flesh or manifestation of God, is finite and was born in Bethlehem but his name is eternal.
Today some Christians don't believe Jesus Christ was in a Spiritual form as God the Word before his birth. The Logos, made the world and they still don't know him nor believe him, even though they can see it in the scriptures. They have eyes that can’t see and hearts that won’t believe.
In Ephesians 3:1-12. God explains to us that even though, it’s a mystery that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, he has revealed this mystery to his saints (Revelation 1:8).
God reveals that He created all things by his name - Jesus Christ. In Colossians 1:14-19, God explains that Jesus Christ is his image and that he; through Jesus Christ, in his Spiritual form – with him in mind, created the heavens and the earth and everything in the universe, both visible and invisible (Hebrews 1:3,8).
This is the bottom line. Jesus Christ is the God of all creation and He, as the Word, created the world by His own name (I Corinthians 10:4, Colossians 2:8-12).
This excerpt is edited from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Sure, but first let’s go back to get a better understanding of the Word in John 1:1. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” The Word which is the logos was the thought of God and was God. The Word which is the thought or mind of God was with God and was made flesh.
Therefore Christ is the manifestation or flesh of God. Go to the first verses of John 1:1-14. God, in the form of the manifested Christ, was in the world and the world was made “by” him (John 1:10).
Jesus Christ in his Spiritual form as the Word or Logos made the world and the world knew him not.
Always keep in mind that God’s name, Jesus Christ, is eternal/infinite. God tells us his name in Acts 9:5. The flesh or manifestation of God, is finite and was born in Bethlehem but his name is eternal.
Today some Christians don't believe Jesus Christ was in a Spiritual form as God the Word before his birth. The Logos, made the world and they still don't know him nor believe him, even though they can see it in the scriptures. They have eyes that can’t see and hearts that won’t believe.
In Ephesians 3:1-12. God explains to us that even though, it’s a mystery that Jesus Christ is the Almighty God, he has revealed this mystery to his saints (Revelation 1:8).
God reveals that He created all things by his name - Jesus Christ. In Colossians 1:14-19, God explains that Jesus Christ is his image and that he; through Jesus Christ, in his Spiritual form – with him in mind, created the heavens and the earth and everything in the universe, both visible and invisible (Hebrews 1:3,8).
This is the bottom line. Jesus Christ is the God of all creation and He, as the Word, created the world by His own name (I Corinthians 10:4, Colossians 2:8-12).
This excerpt is edited from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
How could Jesus be the Saviour when God says, He is the Saviour?
(Isaiah 43:11)
Through Jesus Christ, God himself became the Saviour of the world. Again, God's Word is true, He is our Saviour for He was in Jesus Christ reconciling the world unto himself (II Corinthians 5:19, John 1:1,10,14).
In Luke 2:11, we see the fulfillment of God’s Word as foretold in the book of Isaiah. God himself came down from heaven to be the Saviour of the world (Isaiah 43:10-12, Matthew 1:23) Therefore, Jesus Christ is the one God and our Saviour as foretold in Isaiah.
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Through Jesus Christ, God himself became the Saviour of the world. Again, God's Word is true, He is our Saviour for He was in Jesus Christ reconciling the world unto himself (II Corinthians 5:19, John 1:1,10,14).
In Luke 2:11, we see the fulfillment of God’s Word as foretold in the book of Isaiah. God himself came down from heaven to be the Saviour of the world (Isaiah 43:10-12, Matthew 1:23) Therefore, Jesus Christ is the one God and our Saviour as foretold in Isaiah.
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:30 AM

Will Daniels
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Did Thomas call Jesus God?
(John 20:28)
Let’s look at this scripture in light of the revelation that Jesus is God (John 1:1,10,14). Thomas didn't believe that Christ had arisen. However, Thomas knew according to the prophecies, Isaiah 53, that God, the Messiah, would come and he knew that “the Christ” would be resurrected.
Jesus gave Thomas a demonstration which proved that He was alive and well and that He was the Christ. Therefore, when Thomas found out that Jesus had been resurrected and He was real, he knew without a doubt that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.
Thus he called Jesus Christ My Lord and my God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8).
Edited from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Let’s look at this scripture in light of the revelation that Jesus is God (John 1:1,10,14). Thomas didn't believe that Christ had arisen. However, Thomas knew according to the prophecies, Isaiah 53, that God, the Messiah, would come and he knew that “the Christ” would be resurrected.
Jesus gave Thomas a demonstration which proved that He was alive and well and that He was the Christ. Therefore, when Thomas found out that Jesus had been resurrected and He was real, he knew without a doubt that Jesus Christ was the Messiah.
Thus he called Jesus Christ My Lord and my God (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11, I John 5:20, Revelation 1:8).
Edited from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:19 PM

Will Daniels
Monday, February 7, 2011
When Stephen was dying, did he call Jesus God?
(Acts 7:59)
This scripture lets us see again that the apostles knew that Jesus was the Only True God. Stephen knew that all spirits go back to the God who made them.
Therefore, as he was being stoned, the scriptures says that he was calling upon God, saying Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Jesus Christ is the only manifestation of God that was seen by Stephen. Therefore, Stephen called God by his name (Lord Jesus) and asked Jesus (God) to receive his spirit.
Then, before he died, he asked Jesus not to lay this sin on the Jews. This same Jesus (God) that Steven recognized in his glorified form was the same God (Jesus) who spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus. There were no other gods nor personalities mentioned in any of these scriptures. Jesus Christ was called God because He is the one and only true God. There are no other persons in the Godhead. Jesus is the only Person in the Godhead(See Acts 9:4,5, Colossians 2:8-9).
This excerpt with changes is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity,Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
This scripture lets us see again that the apostles knew that Jesus was the Only True God. Stephen knew that all spirits go back to the God who made them.
Therefore, as he was being stoned, the scriptures says that he was calling upon God, saying Lord Jesus, receive my spirit. Jesus Christ is the only manifestation of God that was seen by Stephen. Therefore, Stephen called God by his name (Lord Jesus) and asked Jesus (God) to receive his spirit.
Then, before he died, he asked Jesus not to lay this sin on the Jews. This same Jesus (God) that Steven recognized in his glorified form was the same God (Jesus) who spoke to Paul on the road to Damascus. There were no other gods nor personalities mentioned in any of these scriptures. Jesus Christ was called God because He is the one and only true God. There are no other persons in the Godhead. Jesus is the only Person in the Godhead(See Acts 9:4,5, Colossians 2:8-9).
This excerpt with changes is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity,Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Blogger: Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations - AdSense For Feeds: Setup
Blogger: Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations - AdSense For Feeds: Setup
Does the Scriptures say Jesus Christ is the only true God?
(I John 5:20, Matthew 1:23, John 1:1-14, 14:7-9, Revelation 1:8)
Jesus is both Jehovah and the Father. “Jehovah” is a name and the “Father” is a title that God has used in the past and Jehovah is Jesus Christ, Gods’ everlasting name (Isaiah 9:6). However, in this dispensation, God's highest and eternal name is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the foundation, the Rock and the name for salvation (Acts 4:12).
The meaning of Jesus Christ is Jehovah Saviour (Isaiah 43:11). In other words, Jehovah is God’s everlasting name which is translated today as Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only true God because God said, He would not give his glory to another (Isaiah 42:8). God has given his glory to himself through his glorified body and name - Jesus Christ.
In a strange way, some Christians say they don’t believe Jesus is the only God, yet they are giving him (Jesus) all the praise and glory in every church that I've ever seen. When they knew God, they worshiped him not as God (Romans 1:21).
It's very seldom that one would hear anything about the Father, Jehovah, Yahweh or Elohim in most of our Christian churches. If they don't believe that Jesus is the only God, then why are they giving him so much glory and praying to him all the time? They know Jesus but they are not glorifying him as God, they are glorifying him only as the Son of God. Question?
Why would we give so much praise to the Son and not the Father? (Romans 1:19-22). This is the real answer. They are worshiping God in ignorance. They are worshiping the Son, not realizing that the Son is also God the Father. They don’t know the Father, neither do they know the Son. (John 14:7).
This excerpt with added scripture is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com "will daniels understanding the Trinity" www.understandingthetrinity.blogspot.com
Jesus is both Jehovah and the Father. “Jehovah” is a name and the “Father” is a title that God has used in the past and Jehovah is Jesus Christ, Gods’ everlasting name (Isaiah 9:6). However, in this dispensation, God's highest and eternal name is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the foundation, the Rock and the name for salvation (Acts 4:12).
The meaning of Jesus Christ is Jehovah Saviour (Isaiah 43:11). In other words, Jehovah is God’s everlasting name which is translated today as Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Jesus is the only true God because God said, He would not give his glory to another (Isaiah 42:8). God has given his glory to himself through his glorified body and name - Jesus Christ.
In a strange way, some Christians say they don’t believe Jesus is the only God, yet they are giving him (Jesus) all the praise and glory in every church that I've ever seen. When they knew God, they worshiped him not as God (Romans 1:21).
It's very seldom that one would hear anything about the Father, Jehovah, Yahweh or Elohim in most of our Christian churches. If they don't believe that Jesus is the only God, then why are they giving him so much glory and praying to him all the time? They know Jesus but they are not glorifying him as God, they are glorifying him only as the Son of God. Question?
Why would we give so much praise to the Son and not the Father? (Romans 1:19-22). This is the real answer. They are worshiping God in ignorance. They are worshiping the Son, not realizing that the Son is also God the Father. They don’t know the Father, neither do they know the Son. (John 14:7).
This excerpt with added scripture is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com "will daniels understanding the Trinity" www.understandingthetrinity.blogspot.com
Will Daniels
Saturday, February 5, 2011
The Thief on the cross was not baptized, are you saying he wasn't saved?
(Luke 23:42-43)
Some people will say the thief on the cross was saved because he was invited to be with Christ in paradise. However, we have to understand that salvation wasn’t established yet. So we can’t say he was saved in the strictest sense of the word.
The message of salvation and the born again experience, on the day of Pentecost, had not happened because Jesus had not died and risen. We can say he was received into paradise with Jesus because of righteousness. Only God himself can offer anyone eternal life or to be with him in paradise. The thief on the cross was born under the old dispensation, the same as Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets.
Therefore, if they could be set free from the bondage of sin, so could the thief on the cross. Under the old dispensation, only the baptism of John was recognized by the masses. However, John’s baptism was not the baptism that would bring salvation to man. The baptism in Jesus name is the baptism of salvation and it had not been mentioned by Peter at the time (Acts 2:1-42).
Everyone who came after Peter’s sermon would have to be baptized in Jesus name in order to receive remission of sin through the washing of the blood of Christ. In summary, the thief went to paradise under the old dispensation.
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com "will daniels understanding the trinity". www.understandingthetrinity.blogspot.com
Some people will say the thief on the cross was saved because he was invited to be with Christ in paradise. However, we have to understand that salvation wasn’t established yet. So we can’t say he was saved in the strictest sense of the word.
The message of salvation and the born again experience, on the day of Pentecost, had not happened because Jesus had not died and risen. We can say he was received into paradise with Jesus because of righteousness. Only God himself can offer anyone eternal life or to be with him in paradise. The thief on the cross was born under the old dispensation, the same as Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets.
Therefore, if they could be set free from the bondage of sin, so could the thief on the cross. Under the old dispensation, only the baptism of John was recognized by the masses. However, John’s baptism was not the baptism that would bring salvation to man. The baptism in Jesus name is the baptism of salvation and it had not been mentioned by Peter at the time (Acts 2:1-42).
Everyone who came after Peter’s sermon would have to be baptized in Jesus name in order to receive remission of sin through the washing of the blood of Christ. In summary, the thief went to paradise under the old dispensation.
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. www.google.com "will daniels understanding the trinity". www.understandingthetrinity.blogspot.com
Will Daniels
Friday, February 4, 2011
Why was Jesus always talking about the Father, if He is the Father?
(Matthew 11:25-27, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9)
Jesus talked about the father out of his humanity. The Father is the Deity or Heavenly Spirit of God and all flesh must give reverence to the Father (The Spirit) and creator of the world. Jesus was speaking of himself in his Spiritual form (I Corinthians 10:4). For oneness Christians, it’s easy for us to understand how God could speak out of his humanity to his own Spiritual nature. This gives us an example of how Jesus used his dual nature.
He was both God and Man and He showed us how each of these manifestations worked together while He was on earth. Jesus was giving us an example of how all flesh should relate to God. The flesh of God always prayed and gave reverence to the Spirit of God (The Father or Deity).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
Jesus talked about the father out of his humanity. The Father is the Deity or Heavenly Spirit of God and all flesh must give reverence to the Father (The Spirit) and creator of the world. Jesus was speaking of himself in his Spiritual form (I Corinthians 10:4). For oneness Christians, it’s easy for us to understand how God could speak out of his humanity to his own Spiritual nature. This gives us an example of how Jesus used his dual nature.
He was both God and Man and He showed us how each of these manifestations worked together while He was on earth. Jesus was giving us an example of how all flesh should relate to God. The flesh of God always prayed and gave reverence to the Spirit of God (The Father or Deity).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Jesus said, no man comes to the Father but by me. What does that mean?
(John 14:6-11)
Jesus is showing us that He is the Father. He is saying unless you know I am the Father, you will not be able to find the way because I am the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus has said in that day, I will say to you depart from me, I never knew you. He is saying that if you would have known me, you would have known the Father. Remember, Jesus is the Father (Isaiah 9:6). We would have to say that we didn't know him either, for when we knew God we didn't worship him as God. We see in Titus 1:16 – They didn’t use the works of baptism in Jesus name, therefore, they are disobedient and reprobate. Some of today’s Christians don’t realize that Jesus is the Father (John 14:9).
Therefore, they won’t get baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – Jesus Christ – Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38.
With added scripture, this is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity.
Jesus is showing us that He is the Father. He is saying unless you know I am the Father, you will not be able to find the way because I am the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus has said in that day, I will say to you depart from me, I never knew you. He is saying that if you would have known me, you would have known the Father. Remember, Jesus is the Father (Isaiah 9:6). We would have to say that we didn't know him either, for when we knew God we didn't worship him as God. We see in Titus 1:16 – They didn’t use the works of baptism in Jesus name, therefore, they are disobedient and reprobate. Some of today’s Christians don’t realize that Jesus is the Father (John 14:9).
Therefore, they won’t get baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost – Jesus Christ – Isaiah 9:6, Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38.
With added scripture, this is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:07 PM

Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Jesus said I and my Father are one. What does this mean?
(John 10:30)
When Jesus speaks of the Father in this manner, He is really showing us that there's only one God. Look at the translation this way, I and my Father are the same. Jesus never thought it robbery to be equal with God or to forgive sins because He is God. The Jews said of Jesus, here is a man who maketh himself God.
The Jews said, Jesus called Himself God. Therefore, he deserved to be crucified. They caused him to be killed with the thought they were doing God a favor. Jesus in fact, told them the truth but they could not receive it. Therefore, Jesus was crucified among other things for blasphemy which caused a religious uproar (John 10:33).
The same holds true today. I'm sure there's going to be pastors, theologians and teachers reading this book who will say Jesus is not the only God. Even after reading all these scriptures, they will still try to search and prove that Jesus is not the only true and living God. I find research of the scriptures intriguing because I’m trying to prove that Jesus Christ is the only God. I was determined to prove that there aren’t “three separate persons in one” as I have been led to believe in the Churches I have attended.
This is what happened, I proved the scriptures to be correct, there aren’t three separate persons in one God. There is only one God. There is no such thing as “three gods nor three persons in one God.” God said, “there is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11). Jesus Christ is God’s name and He is the One Lord in both the Old and New Testaments (Isaiah 9:6, I Corinthians 10:1-4, Luke 2:11). No man comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity.
When Jesus speaks of the Father in this manner, He is really showing us that there's only one God. Look at the translation this way, I and my Father are the same. Jesus never thought it robbery to be equal with God or to forgive sins because He is God. The Jews said of Jesus, here is a man who maketh himself God.
The Jews said, Jesus called Himself God. Therefore, he deserved to be crucified. They caused him to be killed with the thought they were doing God a favor. Jesus in fact, told them the truth but they could not receive it. Therefore, Jesus was crucified among other things for blasphemy which caused a religious uproar (John 10:33).
The same holds true today. I'm sure there's going to be pastors, theologians and teachers reading this book who will say Jesus is not the only God. Even after reading all these scriptures, they will still try to search and prove that Jesus is not the only true and living God. I find research of the scriptures intriguing because I’m trying to prove that Jesus Christ is the only God. I was determined to prove that there aren’t “three separate persons in one” as I have been led to believe in the Churches I have attended.
This is what happened, I proved the scriptures to be correct, there aren’t three separate persons in one God. There is only one God. There is no such thing as “three gods nor three persons in one God.” God said, “there is one Lord” (Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11). Jesus Christ is God’s name and He is the One Lord in both the Old and New Testaments (Isaiah 9:6, I Corinthians 10:1-4, Luke 2:11). No man comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:30 AM

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