(Matthew 24:26, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9)
This scripture is sometimes used to prove that Jesus and the Father are not the same. They say that Jesus doesn't know everything that the Father knows. Jesus is demonstrating in this scripture that God, in his Spiritual form, will not reveal everything to flesh; not even the flesh of his Son Jesus Christ.
Therefore, in his flesh, Jesus would not reveal the knowledge of his Deity (The Father who dwells in his body). Jesus' flesh had not been glorified, therefore his flesh had limitations in knowledge and He could not nor would not reveal any Spiritual secrets. In other words, Jesus was really saying, I have the answer in me (The Father), and only the Father (Spirit) knows when the end will come. In the flesh, I don't know because it hasn't been revealed to my flesh.
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trintiy, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
Monday, January 31, 2011
Why did Jesus say, no man knows the end except the Father if He is the Father?
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:05 AM

Saturday, January 29, 2011
When Jesus died on the cross, why did he say Father into your hands I commend my spirit if He is the Father?
(Luke 23:46, Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9)
This scripture shows the dual nature of Jesus. All spirits go back to God, so this shouldn't be a strange statement. God had a body that was fully man and this body could die, even though, the Spirit was alive. Jesus died because it was the will of the Deity or Spirit of God (The Father). God allowed his own body to be crucified, shed blood and die for our sins (Acts 20:28). The fleshly part of God (Sonship) died, not the Spirit (Deity)(Zechariah 12:10). Therefore, when Jesus says, I commend my spirit into your hands, He is saying, the spirit of this flesh, as a man (Jesus-Son) will return to the Spirit (Father – Spirit in heaven) from which it came.
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
This scripture shows the dual nature of Jesus. All spirits go back to God, so this shouldn't be a strange statement. God had a body that was fully man and this body could die, even though, the Spirit was alive. Jesus died because it was the will of the Deity or Spirit of God (The Father). God allowed his own body to be crucified, shed blood and die for our sins (Acts 20:28). The fleshly part of God (Sonship) died, not the Spirit (Deity)(Zechariah 12:10). Therefore, when Jesus says, I commend my spirit into your hands, He is saying, the spirit of this flesh, as a man (Jesus-Son) will return to the Spirit (Father – Spirit in heaven) from which it came.
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:45 PM

Friday, January 28, 2011
Why did Jesus pray to God if He is God?
(Mark 14:32)
David K. Bernard who is one of the greatest “Oneness” writers of the 21th Century says in his book, The Oneness of God, "We must realize that, unlike any other human being, Jesus had two perfect and complete natures - humanity and deity. What would be absurd or impossible for an ordinary person is not so strange with Jesus. We do not say Jesus prayed to Himself, for this would incorrectly imply that the man was the same as the Spirit.
Rather, we say that the man prayed to the Spirit of God, while also recognizing that the Spirit dwelt in the man.
The choice is simple. Either Jesus as God prayed to the Father or Jesus as man prayed to the Father. If the former were true, then we have a form of subordination or Arianism in which one person in the Godhead is inferior to, not coequal with, another person in the Godhead. This contradicts the biblical concept of the one God, the full deity of Jesus, and the omnipotence of God. If the second alternative is correct, and we believe that it is, then no distinction of persons in the Godhead exists. The only distinction is between humanity and deity, not between God and God.”
David K. Bernard, The Oneness of God, rev. ed. (Hazelwood, Mo.: Word Aflame Press, 2000), 177-78.
Jesus prayed to God, first as an example. Jesus was the perfect example of how men should pray. All flesh, even the flesh of Jesus had to pray to God (The Heavenly Spirit - Deity). There are many instances where Jesus would give respect to his own Spirit through prayer.
Therefore, this scripture doesn’t seem strange to a believer in the oneness of God. Now don’t forget, Jesus would do things, not for himself, but for us. We should follow Jesus and his actions concerning the Deity/heavenly Spirit of God. This includes praying to God out of our humanity.
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
David K. Bernard who is one of the greatest “Oneness” writers of the 21th Century says in his book, The Oneness of God, "We must realize that, unlike any other human being, Jesus had two perfect and complete natures - humanity and deity. What would be absurd or impossible for an ordinary person is not so strange with Jesus. We do not say Jesus prayed to Himself, for this would incorrectly imply that the man was the same as the Spirit.
Rather, we say that the man prayed to the Spirit of God, while also recognizing that the Spirit dwelt in the man.
The choice is simple. Either Jesus as God prayed to the Father or Jesus as man prayed to the Father. If the former were true, then we have a form of subordination or Arianism in which one person in the Godhead is inferior to, not coequal with, another person in the Godhead. This contradicts the biblical concept of the one God, the full deity of Jesus, and the omnipotence of God. If the second alternative is correct, and we believe that it is, then no distinction of persons in the Godhead exists. The only distinction is between humanity and deity, not between God and God.”
David K. Bernard, The Oneness of God, rev. ed. (Hazelwood, Mo.: Word Aflame Press, 2000), 177-78.
Jesus prayed to God, first as an example. Jesus was the perfect example of how men should pray. All flesh, even the flesh of Jesus had to pray to God (The Heavenly Spirit - Deity). There are many instances where Jesus would give respect to his own Spirit through prayer.
Therefore, this scripture doesn’t seem strange to a believer in the oneness of God. Now don’t forget, Jesus would do things, not for himself, but for us. We should follow Jesus and his actions concerning the Deity/heavenly Spirit of God. This includes praying to God out of our humanity.
This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations. Google: will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
8:23 PM

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
If Jesus is God, why did he say I go to the Father?
(John 16:16, 20:17)
There are many instances where Jesus spoke as the Deity and other instances when He spoke out of his humanity or Sonship. As you read the New Testament, read the scriptures in the context of how Jesus is speaking since He has a dual nature (God-Man). In this scripture, Jesus is speaking in his Sonship, when he says that his Spirit will go back to God (The Deity). This is not something complicated since all spirits of men return to God. Look at this. This is interesting. As Jesus was dying on the cross, he said in Luke 23:46, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. When we see this scripture, there are some things that we might miss.
First, Jesus decided the moment he would die by sending his spirit back to heaven. Only God determines the moment a person will die. As a human, we can’t commend our spirit back to God. But as God, Jesus could orchestrate natural and spiritual events in heaven and on earth and He could send His spirit back to the Father (Heavenly Spirit).
Therefore Jesus as God could determine the exact moment when his flesh would die. Thus Jesus could say, I’m sending my Spirit as a man back to God (the heavenly Spirit).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels. Google: "will daniels understanding the trinity"
There are many instances where Jesus spoke as the Deity and other instances when He spoke out of his humanity or Sonship. As you read the New Testament, read the scriptures in the context of how Jesus is speaking since He has a dual nature (God-Man). In this scripture, Jesus is speaking in his Sonship, when he says that his Spirit will go back to God (The Deity). This is not something complicated since all spirits of men return to God. Look at this. This is interesting. As Jesus was dying on the cross, he said in Luke 23:46, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. When we see this scripture, there are some things that we might miss.
First, Jesus decided the moment he would die by sending his spirit back to heaven. Only God determines the moment a person will die. As a human, we can’t commend our spirit back to God. But as God, Jesus could orchestrate natural and spiritual events in heaven and on earth and He could send His spirit back to the Father (Heavenly Spirit).
Therefore Jesus as God could determine the exact moment when his flesh would die. Thus Jesus could say, I’m sending my Spirit as a man back to God (the heavenly Spirit).
This is an excerpt from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels. Google: "will daniels understanding the trinity"
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:31 PM

Monday, January 24, 2011
Does the Bible say, God shed His own Blood?
(Acts 20:28)
Some might say this scripture refers to the blood of Christ. That’s true. However let’s look at it from another angle. What I’m trying to get you to see is that Jesus Christ and God are one in the same. God shed His blood. God Himself came in a body so that He could die and shed His own blood for man's sins. John 1:14 and I Tim 3:16 tells us that God was manifested in the flesh.
Therefore, even though, God is a Spirit, He transformed Himself from a Spirit into a man. This body of God (Jesus) could bleed and die. Therefore, according to this scripture, God became a man for the shedding of his own blood. Thus God can say by the shedding of his own blood.
Zechariah 12:10 is an amazing revelation. Look at this. God shows us He is Jesus Christ. God says that the house of David will look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as a manifestation separate from the Spirit.
God is telling us in this scripture that He is Jesus Christ because God says they pierced me. Then God says, they shall mourn for him, which means his Sonship or the flesh of Jesus. God makes a distinction between his manifestation as the Spirit and his manifestation as the Son and brings it together to prove the oneness of God. If God was pierced and Jesus was pierced, then Jesus must be the God who was pierced (simple algebra).
God is a mystery and I love the way God communicates to the Christians who love and know him as the God who made heaven and earth by his glorious and wonderful name of Jesus Christ (John 1:10, Colossians 1:10-20). This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels
Some might say this scripture refers to the blood of Christ. That’s true. However let’s look at it from another angle. What I’m trying to get you to see is that Jesus Christ and God are one in the same. God shed His blood. God Himself came in a body so that He could die and shed His own blood for man's sins. John 1:14 and I Tim 3:16 tells us that God was manifested in the flesh.
Therefore, even though, God is a Spirit, He transformed Himself from a Spirit into a man. This body of God (Jesus) could bleed and die. Therefore, according to this scripture, God became a man for the shedding of his own blood. Thus God can say by the shedding of his own blood.
Zechariah 12:10 is an amazing revelation. Look at this. God shows us He is Jesus Christ. God says that the house of David will look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as a manifestation separate from the Spirit.
God is telling us in this scripture that He is Jesus Christ because God says they pierced me. Then God says, they shall mourn for him, which means his Sonship or the flesh of Jesus. God makes a distinction between his manifestation as the Spirit and his manifestation as the Son and brings it together to prove the oneness of God. If God was pierced and Jesus was pierced, then Jesus must be the God who was pierced (simple algebra).
God is a mystery and I love the way God communicates to the Christians who love and know him as the God who made heaven and earth by his glorious and wonderful name of Jesus Christ (John 1:10, Colossians 1:10-20). This excerpt is from my book, "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations" by Will Daniels
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
11:34 PM

Doesn't God prove that He is three persons at the baptism of Jesus?
At the baptism of Jesus, how Could God Speak Out Of Heaven, be on earth, and be in the form of a dove? Doesn’t this prove that there are three persons in one God? (Mark 1:9-11, Luke 3:21-22)
No it doesn’t. Remember God has no limitations. He made the world and his presence fills the Universe. This is one of the times where we can see God and the three manifestations working in concert. The Deity/Spirit speaks out of heaven, the Son is on earth, and a manifestation of the Holy Spirit like a dove descending upon Jesus, verifying and anointing Jesus as “the Christ.” God is unlimited, God can be on one end of the universe and on earth at the same time. God shows his majesty in this scripture.
In other words, God is in fact, in heaven, he sends his Spirit down in the form of a dove, and He is on earth in Jesus at the same time. We see God’s dual nature of being both God and man at the same time. This verifies Colossians 1:19, 2:8-10.
Look at the scripture closely. Thou art my beloved Son, in-in-in whom I am well pleased - dual nature. God was showing us that not only is He in heaven but He's in Christ at the same time. You see, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself (Colossians 1:27, II Corinthians 5:19). These scriptures match because God always says the same thing more than once, in a different context, and He doesn't contradict Himself.
The baptism of the fleshly body of Jesus is the only scripture that I know of where we see the complete operation of the Godhead at the same time. We hear the voice of the Father (Deity-Spirit), we see the body of Jesus (Son) and we see the representation of the (Holy Spirit) in the form of a dove which was sent down from the Deity (Spirit) to anoint the flesh of Jesus. Refer to: the aforementioned Pitcher of water and the glass.
Think about this, God is not a dove in a natural sense, yet He used a dove to represent himself as the Holy Spirit. The dove was used so that we could see the operation of the Spirit and how it was used to anoint Jesus. It only proves that God is sovereign and He can manifest his Spirit in any way He chooses. This manifestation doesn’t prove that He is more than one God, nor does it proves that God is showing pieces of himself.
This whole process was handled by one God and it proves that He can change and manifest Himself in any manner He chooses. This is the one God who used his Holy Spirit (Dove) to verify that He (God Himself) is in the body of Christ (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9) and that we should listen to and follow Jesus Christ because Christ is the full embodiment of God himself. God in these last days has spoken to us through his Son, Jesus Christ, who is the express image of one Person, God himself. (Hebrews 1:1-3). This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
No it doesn’t. Remember God has no limitations. He made the world and his presence fills the Universe. This is one of the times where we can see God and the three manifestations working in concert. The Deity/Spirit speaks out of heaven, the Son is on earth, and a manifestation of the Holy Spirit like a dove descending upon Jesus, verifying and anointing Jesus as “the Christ.” God is unlimited, God can be on one end of the universe and on earth at the same time. God shows his majesty in this scripture.
In other words, God is in fact, in heaven, he sends his Spirit down in the form of a dove, and He is on earth in Jesus at the same time. We see God’s dual nature of being both God and man at the same time. This verifies Colossians 1:19, 2:8-10.
Look at the scripture closely. Thou art my beloved Son, in-in-in whom I am well pleased - dual nature. God was showing us that not only is He in heaven but He's in Christ at the same time. You see, God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself (Colossians 1:27, II Corinthians 5:19). These scriptures match because God always says the same thing more than once, in a different context, and He doesn't contradict Himself.
The baptism of the fleshly body of Jesus is the only scripture that I know of where we see the complete operation of the Godhead at the same time. We hear the voice of the Father (Deity-Spirit), we see the body of Jesus (Son) and we see the representation of the (Holy Spirit) in the form of a dove which was sent down from the Deity (Spirit) to anoint the flesh of Jesus. Refer to: the aforementioned Pitcher of water and the glass.
Think about this, God is not a dove in a natural sense, yet He used a dove to represent himself as the Holy Spirit. The dove was used so that we could see the operation of the Spirit and how it was used to anoint Jesus. It only proves that God is sovereign and He can manifest his Spirit in any way He chooses. This manifestation doesn’t prove that He is more than one God, nor does it proves that God is showing pieces of himself.
This whole process was handled by one God and it proves that He can change and manifest Himself in any manner He chooses. This is the one God who used his Holy Spirit (Dove) to verify that He (God Himself) is in the body of Christ (Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9) and that we should listen to and follow Jesus Christ because Christ is the full embodiment of God himself. God in these last days has spoken to us through his Son, Jesus Christ, who is the express image of one Person, God himself. (Hebrews 1:1-3). This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
If there are not three persons in God, why is Elohim plural?
(Genesis 1:26)
In Hebrew Elohim, is translated "God" in Genesis 1:26 and in many other places in the Old Testament. Elohim’s meaning has nothing to do with persons. The word Elohim can be translated one of two ways. Elohim may be translated "God" or "gods"
1. Elohim is translated "God" when referring to the one true God.
2. elohim is translated "gods" when referring to human rulers or false gods – small “e”
The plural Elohim was used for the true God to denote God’s various attributes of greatness and majesty, not to indicate more than one God nor three persons in the Godhead.
In the Old Testament, plurals were used even if the reference was about one person. For example, Abraham is referred to in the plural (master). The angel of the Lord with whom Jacob wrestled is called Elohim (Genesis 32:30). The golden calf was referred to by the Israelites as elohim (Exodus 32:1-31). Individual pagan gods were often referred to as elohim (Judges 8:33; 11:24, 16:23). Therefore, in the scriptures when there is a reference to the many attributes of the one true God, the name Elohim is used which is plural even though God is one God.
There are some who would want to use certain scripture and vain philosophy to try to prove that there is more than one person, but that philosophy is a philosophy of ignorance and deceit. The Trinity or three persons in God is an assumption that can't be proven.
Make no mistake about it, there is only one God. God doesn’t know of another person, in the Godhead, other than himself (Isaiah 42:8, 43:10-11, 44:6-8, Luke 2:11, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Hebrews 1:3, Revelation 1:8). God's highest name is Jesus Christ (John 1:10, Acts 4:12, Acts 9:5, Revelation 1:8). This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
In Hebrew Elohim, is translated "God" in Genesis 1:26 and in many other places in the Old Testament. Elohim’s meaning has nothing to do with persons. The word Elohim can be translated one of two ways. Elohim may be translated "God" or "gods"
1. Elohim is translated "God" when referring to the one true God.
2. elohim is translated "gods" when referring to human rulers or false gods – small “e”
The plural Elohim was used for the true God to denote God’s various attributes of greatness and majesty, not to indicate more than one God nor three persons in the Godhead.
In the Old Testament, plurals were used even if the reference was about one person. For example, Abraham is referred to in the plural (master). The angel of the Lord with whom Jacob wrestled is called Elohim (Genesis 32:30). The golden calf was referred to by the Israelites as elohim (Exodus 32:1-31). Individual pagan gods were often referred to as elohim (Judges 8:33; 11:24, 16:23). Therefore, in the scriptures when there is a reference to the many attributes of the one true God, the name Elohim is used which is plural even though God is one God.
There are some who would want to use certain scripture and vain philosophy to try to prove that there is more than one person, but that philosophy is a philosophy of ignorance and deceit. The Trinity or three persons in God is an assumption that can't be proven.
Make no mistake about it, there is only one God. God doesn’t know of another person, in the Godhead, other than himself (Isaiah 42:8, 43:10-11, 44:6-8, Luke 2:11, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, Hebrews 1:3, Revelation 1:8). God's highest name is Jesus Christ (John 1:10, Acts 4:12, Acts 9:5, Revelation 1:8). This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
Can anyone understand the Trinity?
Understanding the Trinity is beyond human comprehension given the true meaning of the word and concept. Most people who believe in the Trinity, can't explain it. Not only can they not explain it, it is scripturally unexplainable. However, there is an explanation of the three manifestations of God. One must believe in the oneness of God in order to understand God's main attributes and how the three manifestations of God were used for salvation (Matthew 28:19, Acts 2:38, Colossians 2:8-12, I Timothy 3:16).
By understanding the Godhead, we will see that everything will line up with scripture and all the scriptures will be inter-connected and prove that Jesus Christ is the One God of heaven and earth (John 1:1-14 (God was made flesh and the world was made by him and we beheld his glory-Isaiah 42:8, 43:10-12), Colossians 2:8-12 (the fullness of the Godhead is in the body of Jesus Christ), Rev. 1:8 (Jesus Christ is the Almighty), Jesus Christ is the everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:7-9). If you find your mind drifting and if you start seeing more than one Person, then you must realize, you are falling into error. It doesn't matter what scripture you are reading, you must see one Person and the oneness of God in what you are reading.
To understand why people believe in the Trinitarian concept, one must understand why people are convinced of the idea of three persons in one God (study where the Trinity came from and who started it. Hint: The Catholic Church started the Trinitarian Doctrine at the Council of Nicaea 325AD). On the surface it does seems like there are three separate and distinct persons to the human mind.
On the other hand, you must realize what God has said about his oneness. Hear O Israel the Lord Our God is one Lord.(Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11). Never let the thought of more than one Person enter your mind (Hebrews 1:3). If the thought of three persons comes into your mind, it is a trick of the enemy because God has spoken, he is One God and he doesn't know of any other gods nor persons in Him. God is absolutely One God, One Lord, and One Person who has appeared to us in three manifestations (I Timothy 3:16)
There will be some who will say, I still can’t see it. What about this, and what about that? Give me a scripture for this or give me a scripture for that.
In this blog, you will find some common questions concerning Jesus Christ, the Oneness of God and the falling away of the Christian Church. In addition, we will address some of the concerns about whether God is One Person and Three Manifestations (which is scriptural) or if God is three persons (which is paganistic and not scriptural).
The Trinity can not be understood and can't be proven by the Word of God. The Word Trinity is not in the Bible and the Trinitarian Doctrine was not taught by Paul nor the Apostles (Galatians 1:8-9). The Trinitarian doctrine was formulated in 325AD by the Catholic Church. Paul didn't know anything about the Trinitarian Doctrine nor the Trinity and he didn't write about it nor teach it. (The Trinity of God is an assumption and it can't be proven by the Word of God).
The Trinitarian Doctrine is a philosophy and a tradition of men (Colossians 2:8-9). Again, God is absolutely One Lord and his name is The Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1-14, Colossians 2:9, Revelation 1:8) This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
By understanding the Godhead, we will see that everything will line up with scripture and all the scriptures will be inter-connected and prove that Jesus Christ is the One God of heaven and earth (John 1:1-14 (God was made flesh and the world was made by him and we beheld his glory-Isaiah 42:8, 43:10-12), Colossians 2:8-12 (the fullness of the Godhead is in the body of Jesus Christ), Rev. 1:8 (Jesus Christ is the Almighty), Jesus Christ is the everlasting Father (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:7-9). If you find your mind drifting and if you start seeing more than one Person, then you must realize, you are falling into error. It doesn't matter what scripture you are reading, you must see one Person and the oneness of God in what you are reading.
To understand why people believe in the Trinitarian concept, one must understand why people are convinced of the idea of three persons in one God (study where the Trinity came from and who started it. Hint: The Catholic Church started the Trinitarian Doctrine at the Council of Nicaea 325AD). On the surface it does seems like there are three separate and distinct persons to the human mind.
On the other hand, you must realize what God has said about his oneness. Hear O Israel the Lord Our God is one Lord.(Deuteronomy 6:4, Luke 2:11). Never let the thought of more than one Person enter your mind (Hebrews 1:3). If the thought of three persons comes into your mind, it is a trick of the enemy because God has spoken, he is One God and he doesn't know of any other gods nor persons in Him. God is absolutely One God, One Lord, and One Person who has appeared to us in three manifestations (I Timothy 3:16)
There will be some who will say, I still can’t see it. What about this, and what about that? Give me a scripture for this or give me a scripture for that.
In this blog, you will find some common questions concerning Jesus Christ, the Oneness of God and the falling away of the Christian Church. In addition, we will address some of the concerns about whether God is One Person and Three Manifestations (which is scriptural) or if God is three persons (which is paganistic and not scriptural).
The Trinity can not be understood and can't be proven by the Word of God. The Word Trinity is not in the Bible and the Trinitarian Doctrine was not taught by Paul nor the Apostles (Galatians 1:8-9). The Trinitarian doctrine was formulated in 325AD by the Catholic Church. Paul didn't know anything about the Trinitarian Doctrine nor the Trinity and he didn't write about it nor teach it. (The Trinity of God is an assumption and it can't be proven by the Word of God).
The Trinitarian Doctrine is a philosophy and a tradition of men (Colossians 2:8-9). Again, God is absolutely One Lord and his name is The Lord Jesus Christ (Isaiah 9:6, John 1:1-14, Colossians 2:9, Revelation 1:8) This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
12:56 AM

Thursday, January 20, 2011
God said, Let us make man. Was God talking to Jesus?
(Genesis 1:26, Malachi 2:10).
We should not be so presumptuous as to believe we know what God meant by this statement.
However, we do know, based on his Word, that He is not talking to Jesus or some other God.
The Word is not clear on this matter, therefore, we shouldn’t assume that we know the answer.
There are a number of theories about the mind of God and what He meant when He created the
There are some scholars and theologians who believe that God, in his infinite wisdom, is
counseling within himself which includes his future manifestation as the Lord Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, the plurality of the nature of God. This is not to assume that there is another
God, rather, it could be a matter of self talk about future events. God as the Spiritual Father of all creation-created the world by his name Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 3:9-12).
In other words, at the time of creation, the name of God, Jesus Christ, had not been manifested in the flesh, neither had the Holy Ghost of the resurrected Christ returned to the earth to dwell in the hearts of men. These were all future events.
Therefore God is not speaking to his fleshly manifestation nor his manifestation as the resurrected Spirit of Christ. God is speaking in his Spiritual form as the Father of all creation.
There are those who believe that there were always angelic beings with God. When God said, let us make man in our image, and after our likeness, God was speaking to his whole heavenly hosts (Genesis 1:26). What comes to mind is the story of Lucifer and the angels which were mentioned later. The scriptures tell us that God threw Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels out of heaven.
This gives us an indication that there were other beings of whom God could have been speaking to at the time of creation. God used angels to help us and show us the way. Angels told God’s people what God wanted, they gave great proclamations as in the case of Mary when Jesus was born. Angels also freed Peter from jail. The Heavenly Hosts were intimately involved in the making of man physically when they spoke to us, gave directions, helped create events for us, and emotionally, when they told us not to fear. We were made in the image and likeness of these heavenly beings. Do you remember the angels whom were seen in the form of men?
Let’s look at the 27th verse, it says, so God created man in his own image. Thus, we find that One God created us in his image, which is the image of a man. Here is another example; God appeared as a man in the form of a pre-incarnate Jesus, “The Son of Man.” – Daniel 3:25. In II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 1:14-16, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, and Hebrews 1:1-3, 8, God tell us that Jesus Christ, “The Son of Man,” is in his image and that he, God, is in one Person.
Therefore, we find that we were created in God’s own image and the likeness of his heavenly hosts. In conclusion, one would have to address this scripture and the meaning of God’s Word for himself/herself. However, if we try to make God’s Word fit our traditional beliefs by stretching the Word to include another God or other persons, we are in error. Remember, one God created us in his own image and God was not talking to some other mysterious secondary god or some other person in the Godhead. This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
We should not be so presumptuous as to believe we know what God meant by this statement.
However, we do know, based on his Word, that He is not talking to Jesus or some other God.
The Word is not clear on this matter, therefore, we shouldn’t assume that we know the answer.
There are a number of theories about the mind of God and what He meant when He created the
There are some scholars and theologians who believe that God, in his infinite wisdom, is
counseling within himself which includes his future manifestation as the Lord Jesus Christ and
the Holy Spirit, the plurality of the nature of God. This is not to assume that there is another
God, rather, it could be a matter of self talk about future events. God as the Spiritual Father of all creation-created the world by his name Jesus Christ (I Corinthians 10:4, Ephesians 3:9-12).
In other words, at the time of creation, the name of God, Jesus Christ, had not been manifested in the flesh, neither had the Holy Ghost of the resurrected Christ returned to the earth to dwell in the hearts of men. These were all future events.
Therefore God is not speaking to his fleshly manifestation nor his manifestation as the resurrected Spirit of Christ. God is speaking in his Spiritual form as the Father of all creation.
There are those who believe that there were always angelic beings with God. When God said, let us make man in our image, and after our likeness, God was speaking to his whole heavenly hosts (Genesis 1:26). What comes to mind is the story of Lucifer and the angels which were mentioned later. The scriptures tell us that God threw Lucifer and 1/3 of the angels out of heaven.
This gives us an indication that there were other beings of whom God could have been speaking to at the time of creation. God used angels to help us and show us the way. Angels told God’s people what God wanted, they gave great proclamations as in the case of Mary when Jesus was born. Angels also freed Peter from jail. The Heavenly Hosts were intimately involved in the making of man physically when they spoke to us, gave directions, helped create events for us, and emotionally, when they told us not to fear. We were made in the image and likeness of these heavenly beings. Do you remember the angels whom were seen in the form of men?
Let’s look at the 27th verse, it says, so God created man in his own image. Thus, we find that One God created us in his image, which is the image of a man. Here is another example; God appeared as a man in the form of a pre-incarnate Jesus, “The Son of Man.” – Daniel 3:25. In II Corinthians 5:19, Colossians 1:14-16, Colossians 1:14-19, 2:9, and Hebrews 1:1-3, 8, God tell us that Jesus Christ, “The Son of Man,” is in his image and that he, God, is in one Person.
Therefore, we find that we were created in God’s own image and the likeness of his heavenly hosts. In conclusion, one would have to address this scripture and the meaning of God’s Word for himself/herself. However, if we try to make God’s Word fit our traditional beliefs by stretching the Word to include another God or other persons, we are in error. Remember, one God created us in his own image and God was not talking to some other mysterious secondary god or some other person in the Godhead. This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
Understanding the Trinity
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Why does the Bible say God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ?
Romans 1:7
Does that mean we are talking about two beings?
There is no such thing as more than one God or more than one being, or more than one person in the Godhead. The apostles always gave reverence to God in his Spirit form and God in his manifested form as Jesus Christ, the God-Man.
Therefore, in this scripture, Paul is giving a greeting to the saints at Rome by saying Grace and peace from God in his Spiritual form and his manifestation as the Lord Jesus Christ in his fleshly form. Same God, different manifestation. This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
Does that mean we are talking about two beings?
There is no such thing as more than one God or more than one being, or more than one person in the Godhead. The apostles always gave reverence to God in his Spirit form and God in his manifested form as Jesus Christ, the God-Man.
Therefore, in this scripture, Paul is giving a greeting to the saints at Rome by saying Grace and peace from God in his Spiritual form and his manifestation as the Lord Jesus Christ in his fleshly form. Same God, different manifestation. This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:58 AM

Understanding the Trinity
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Is Jesus The God Who Created Heaven and Earth?
Let’s take a look at these scriptures (I Corinthians....8:6-7 Ephesians.....3:9 Colossians.....1:12-20 John......1:1,10,14).
In order to prove that Jesus is the same God, we would have to go back to back to Genesis 1:1 where it can be proven that God created heaven and earth. Through deductive reasoning, we can conclude, based on these New Testament scriptures, that this same God was Jesus Christ in his Spiritual form. Jesus Christ is an epiphany of God, who was born in Bethlehem.
For the life of me, I can't see why some Christians can't see from these scriptures that “the Word,” which is God was made flesh. And that flesh is Jesus Christ. He was in the world and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. These scriptures prove that Jesus is God and Jesus Christ made heaven and the earth.
I’ve heard some people say that they believe that Jesus is a God and He created the world but they don’t believe that he’s God the Father. What kind of thinking is that? How can you believe that Jesus created the world and not believe He is God the Father (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9)? The reason why they can’t believe it is because they try to fit it into a Trinitarian framework. It won’t fit because the Trinitarian doctrine is a doctrine of men.
The aforementioned scriptures are used to verify what God's name is and under what name He created heaven and the earth. Again, we see that there is but One God and his name is; "JESUS CHRIST" (Acts 9:5) www.google.com put will daniels understanding the trinity
In order to prove that Jesus is the same God, we would have to go back to back to Genesis 1:1 where it can be proven that God created heaven and earth. Through deductive reasoning, we can conclude, based on these New Testament scriptures, that this same God was Jesus Christ in his Spiritual form. Jesus Christ is an epiphany of God, who was born in Bethlehem.
For the life of me, I can't see why some Christians can't see from these scriptures that “the Word,” which is God was made flesh. And that flesh is Jesus Christ. He was in the world and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. These scriptures prove that Jesus is God and Jesus Christ made heaven and the earth.
I’ve heard some people say that they believe that Jesus is a God and He created the world but they don’t believe that he’s God the Father. What kind of thinking is that? How can you believe that Jesus created the world and not believe He is God the Father (Isaiah 9:6, John 14:9)? The reason why they can’t believe it is because they try to fit it into a Trinitarian framework. It won’t fit because the Trinitarian doctrine is a doctrine of men.
The aforementioned scriptures are used to verify what God's name is and under what name He created heaven and the earth. Again, we see that there is but One God and his name is; "JESUS CHRIST" (Acts 9:5) www.google.com put will daniels understanding the trinity
Will Daniels
Understanding The Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations
10:51 AM

Monday, January 17, 2011
Is Jesus the Word and did God became flesh?
Yes, John 1:1, 14, says that God became flesh. Jesus was in the world and the world was made by him and the world knew him not. Jesus is the God who became flesh to reconcile the world back to himself (II Corinthians 5:19).
When we talk about the Son of God, we refer to the God on earth and when we talk about the Father, we are referring to the Spirit of God which stays in heaven (I Corinthians 10:4). God became flesh to be able to bleed and die for the sins of mankind. God’s blood is the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28). Therefore, God is Jesus Christ. There is no other God (Isaiah 43:10-12).
Christopher C. Warren wrote an article called “Was Salvation in the Old Testament by Faith or Works?” In his article he explains that the same God which is the Spirit is the same God which became flesh.
Mr. Warren writes; The Israelites were trusting in the same God as the first Christians because Yahweh and Christ were one and the same. It was Jesus in whom the Israelites trusted to get across the Red Sea, drown the Egyptians, provide water out of a rock, provide the quail and the manna, just as Christ today provides our “daily bread” through trusting in Him (Mt. 6:11). We are saved through trusting in the same God whom the Israelites trusted in! We are delivered by the same God not because of our works but because of His! The Yahweh whom the Israelites trusted in was the same Jesus who was crucified and in whom we may be saved by trusting today.”
Christians all over the world can see that God became flesh based on the Word of God. Jesus Christ and the God of heaven is the same God. There are not three Gods nor three persons in one God. Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord and God of heaven and earth.
Christopher C. Warren, “Was Salvation in the Old Testament by Faith or Works?,” “Is Jesus the Word and Did God become flesh?” New Covenant Church of God/Brit Chadashah Assembly of Yahweh, New Covenant Press, Box 120, S-671 23 Arvika, Sweden; website: http://www.nccg.org/ FAQ 43, NCW 43, e-mail; nccg@nccg.org. Used by permission. This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
When we talk about the Son of God, we refer to the God on earth and when we talk about the Father, we are referring to the Spirit of God which stays in heaven (I Corinthians 10:4). God became flesh to be able to bleed and die for the sins of mankind. God’s blood is the blood of Christ (Acts 20:28). Therefore, God is Jesus Christ. There is no other God (Isaiah 43:10-12).
Christopher C. Warren wrote an article called “Was Salvation in the Old Testament by Faith or Works?” In his article he explains that the same God which is the Spirit is the same God which became flesh.
Mr. Warren writes; The Israelites were trusting in the same God as the first Christians because Yahweh and Christ were one and the same. It was Jesus in whom the Israelites trusted to get across the Red Sea, drown the Egyptians, provide water out of a rock, provide the quail and the manna, just as Christ today provides our “daily bread” through trusting in Him (Mt. 6:11). We are saved through trusting in the same God whom the Israelites trusted in! We are delivered by the same God not because of our works but because of His! The Yahweh whom the Israelites trusted in was the same Jesus who was crucified and in whom we may be saved by trusting today.”
Christians all over the world can see that God became flesh based on the Word of God. Jesus Christ and the God of heaven is the same God. There are not three Gods nor three persons in one God. Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord and God of heaven and earth.
Christopher C. Warren, “Was Salvation in the Old Testament by Faith or Works?,” “Is Jesus the Word and Did God become flesh?” New Covenant Church of God/Brit Chadashah Assembly of Yahweh, New Covenant Press, Box 120, S-671 23 Arvika, Sweden; website: http://www.nccg.org/ FAQ 43, NCW 43, e-mail; nccg@nccg.org. Used by permission. This excerpt is from my book; "Understanding the Trinity, Three Persons vs Three Manifestations by Will Daniels.
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